You all don't like money

Posted by DesertFox on June 24, 2009, 1:22 p.m.

The end is nigh, revelations is drawing near! For I'm almost done with a flash game.

And screw you all for ignoring my 'hay I need graphics' blog. Apparently nobody on 64D likes money, so you don't get any >:(

So here's how it looks now, along with some simple enemies:

Yay, much need graphics overhaul. I still need to add in a functional HUD, but I've got around 10 different awesome types of enemies, up to and including:

The annoying enemy that splits into smaller enemies when you destroy it

The slowly moving enemy that accelerates like it sat on a hot stove while wearing a rocket when you get near.

The massive snake that grows longer if you don't attack it

And more! Like the perks that I mentioned before. And stuff… I dunno what else really. Stuff. Exactly.

Recent news in my world?

Cinnamon rolls are delicious, and I made orange-glazed pound cake yesterday. It was also delicious. My family took my mother miniature golfing for her birthday, which was awesome, and then we ate at Panera's Bakery - again, more awesome. Their sandwiches are delicious. Its strange, there seems to be a massive orientation about food in my life.


I've been toying with Box2D, and am going to make a game with it. It shall be very physicy. I got tired of using my own stuff cause it's not as efficient.

Also, I have a new avatar, and you can't have it! I also did a version with a top hat and a monocle because I felt like making fun of eagly and marbs, so if you pop in on msn, you can see it. Or alternately lookie here:

Pip pip cheerio!


Iluvfuz 15 years, 4 months ago

Lol, desperate Jer-bear. Anyways, I like the new bullets and stuff, but doesn't make sense that a space shooter would use the old fashioned shotguns and miniguns. I'd thought by now they'd use little blue and green lasers.

Toast 15 years, 4 months ago

Dislike money? I merely despise work of any kind.

GIL1 15 years, 4 months ago

this game looks really nice

tylerthemiler 15 years, 4 months ago

I'm currently painting houses for a living (poor college kid). If I was competent at graphics, I would have definitely taken your offer.

sirxemic 15 years, 4 months ago

Everyone is talking as if they already played it. Where can I find that game?

Also, is the graphics job still open?

DesertFox 15 years, 3 months ago

@cyrus :3

@Xemic - I've let a few people play, but the graphics job is not really open anymore =/ I like the current iteration. I'll keep you in mind for my next game though :D

@Everyone else :P