Avatar and an Idiot

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 26, 2009, 7 p.m.

First off, I saw Avatar. It. Was. Awesome!

I'd heard mixed things about it - some people said it was a bit slow at first, or that it was okay, or other stuff. They were all wrong. It was a great movie. I loved the whole bioluminescence thing. It was neat how everything lit up when it got dark - it looked like someone went nuts with a blacklight. The visual effects were very impressive, as was the depictions of all of the alien lifeforms/flora and fauna.

I have to admit, I've seen the plot of "and the HUMANS were the invading aliens" before a few times, so that wasn't new to me, but it was done properly here. All in all, this movie is a definite must-see. I saw it in 3D and you should too.

Secondly, my brother is an asshole. After the movie, I needed to get past him because he was blocking the way to the water fountain, and my jaw was hurting - after all, I did get my wisdom teeth removed only 4 days ago. I said excuse me 4 times, tapped him on the shoulder a bunch, and he still wouldn't move. Finally, I try to just slip past him, and he whirls around me yelling about how I shouldn't shove him aside! What an asshole!


Cesar 14 years, 10 months ago

When I told my friend that Ewya is a rough acronym for Yaweh during the film, his mind was blown.

Josea 14 years, 10 months ago

I saw it today, in 3D. Man, it was awesome. Some people say the plot sucked, but for me it was brilliant. The 3D was extremely well done, and the glasses didn't suck. I couldn't even tell what was real and what was CGI (Well, until I realized floating mountains, eh, don't exist)

SteveKB 14 years, 10 months ago

I will be watching it again tomorrow to show the rest of my family it.

Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

Don't get me wrong, I think the movie is good/very well made, everything about the planet and it's people were imaginative and fascinating, but the plot was something I have seen and read waaayyy too many times.

And tell your brother that I said that he is an asshole.

DesertFox 14 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, I've seen the plot before too, but as I said, it was done well.

Rez 14 years, 10 months ago

The movie was conceptualized during the 90's, so its no wonder the idea feels a little old. I think it has just enough twists and proper execution to make it interesting though.

Glen 14 years, 10 months ago

Probably one of my favorite movies. Haven't seen it in 3d yet, but hopefully I will.

flashback 14 years, 9 months ago

When I told my friend that Ewya is a rough acronym
You keep on using that word… I do not think it means what you think it means.

Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago


I haven't had the chance to see Avatar yet. Doesn't seem appealing to me watching blue people fight each other.

No, seriously, I don't know what the hell it's about.

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

You keep on using that word… I do not think it means what you think it means.
AHHHH!!!!!O_O!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!