Hell's Clothes in Bed with the Captain

Posted by DesertFox on Jan. 7, 2010, 2:57 p.m.

So, Sunday I flew back to New York, and as it turns out, I had a layover in Hell. Yes, Hell. I am not kidding. You could hear the anguished screams of the damned, smell the fire and brimstone. The sky was a smoggy haze, and everyone wished that they could somehow leave, all jealous of me because I was soon to be gone, out of their reach.

The locals call it New Jersey.

Specifically, it was Newark, NJ. The worst airport I have ever been to. The dirtiest, most disgusting, most horrible airport. The air really did smell, and the people there really did scream in anguish (or at least complain a lot). I hope to never have to go there again.

Did you know that there are Lifesavers Sour Gummi candies? I think that I have found my new purpose in life! I love sour candies, but unfortunately, sour candies are becoming less and less popular - I have seen some of my favorite candies die out in the last decade.

I just ate a fortune cookie, and my fortune was:

It is not always the clothes that make the man (in bed…)

Also, some random dude just came up to me and started talking to me. He obviously knew me from somewhere, but I have absolutely no clue who he is. Don't you hate that?

I've been playing Captain Forever which is pretty awesome. I've made some pretty awesome ships - check this one out!

You guys should try it out - see what ships you can make!

I made a small change in my avatar (added the little pawprint). I think it looks a lot better.


KaBob799 14 years, 9 months ago

Captain Forever gets boring quick cause its too hard to keep your ship in one piece and have fun at the same time.

DesertFox 14 years, 9 months ago


So you think! I can actually stay alive quite a long time! I've gotten my ship to Dark Blue level, but I eventually got ripped apart by Rainbow.

It takes patience, and a bit of skill. I'd suggest going for ships in the shape of old pirate vessels - with broadside guns. That way it's easier to simply fly right past an enemy and let loose a cannon barrage. It works very well.

Just look at my example ship - it presents a very narrow profile for enemies to shoot at, and gives you a ton of guns to fire at the same time!

Unaligned 14 years, 9 months ago

Captain Forever :3

I hate it when I'm trying to rebuild my ship and suddenly a huge enemy on a higher color level pops out of nowhere and obliterates me. It's still fun though, and I haven't gotten till rainbow level, as far as I've gone is either dark blue or cyan (I forget which is more powerful)

*drools at ship

Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

That game looks interesting.

Also, sour candy is pretty good. It's true though, there's less and less these days.

DesertFox 14 years, 9 months ago

@Sinistrade - yeah - Cyan is after dk blue. And yeah, I absolutely HATE that. Gotta learn to reconfig on the fly, while moving - which means a lot of shifting parts around while keeping your ship nimble, manouverable enough to survive. And yeah, I got stuck with dk blue cause all my main guns got blown off and couldn't progress - I could still kill smaller ships (and thus increase the crime threat) but I couldn't get any guns worth having.

@Kilin - *nom* Souah Candeh!

Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

Wow, I fail at that game. First round I could get to dark blue, but after that I couldn't pass purple.

What's the LAW thing do, exactly? Is it game-changing?

Iluvfuz 14 years, 9 months ago

Game looks tasty.

DesertFox 14 years, 9 months ago

Law is the difficulty - if you kill a ship of high enough power, it gives you a small break to rearrange your ship, and then starts throwing even more difficult ships at you.

Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

My hell, white is a bitch.

"Hotel criminal activity has been detected!"

That thing LOOKED like a frigging hotel. It was HUGE and had lots of GUNS.

White apparently murders dark blue. >=(

Kaz 14 years, 9 months ago

Man this game is pissing me off. I don't get any more than 4 guns by the time I'm at pink, then I get destroyed by a massive ship.