
Posted by DesertFox on April 26, 2010, 8:01 p.m.


Anyhow, I've been playing Dwarf Fortress. It is fun - it's like the bastard lovechild of Nethack and Black&White, and it is completely, totally awesome. I spent several hours making my dwarves build a complex layout dungeon, and then flooded the entire map with lava, watching as the dwarves huddled in their rooms, slowly perishing one by one as the lava crept forth, burning them alive! MUAHAHHAHHAHAHA!!!

But seriously, that game is awesome. Its also incredi-freakin' complicated! Which just makes it more fun. It is also a resource-hog, because it requires 3D pathfinding, and a bunch of other stuff.

Aside from that, I dunno. I've been busy lately. Busy playing Dwarf Fortress, but other things as well.

I also made an IRC chatbot from scratch a few weeks ago. Its in Python, and is dynamically modular - so for you people who hang out on the IRC, post some ideas for modules!

Also, I played Humans Vs Zombies last week. Though, technically, with me it was Humans/Fawkes Vs Zombies. I was awesome. I spent most of my time in front-line defense, meaning that I was one of the people who stood out in front keeping the undead at bay. I successfully survived until the complete FUBAR that was Thursday night's mission. We got surrounded, and we broke up into small groups that snuck away.

So it came to the point where we had to make the run across a high-visibility area. I'd hurt my knee earlier, so I couldn't keep up too well - but luckily, we only got seen by 3 zombies. Unfortunately for me, it turned out that I got stuck with a group of 12 pathetic cowards - the people who stood in the center the entire time without firing a single shot. They were only 40 feet away, and the 3 zombies were at least three times that. They could have walked to me in time - or even could have simply stopped and let me catch up.

Instead, rather than helping me out (and thus risking their precious lives), they stood 40 feet away from me as I got eaten. Those bastards. 3 zombies vs me and 12 humans - it ought to have been a slaughter, with us as the victors. Instead, they chose to leave a man behind - even though a group of me and 3 other people had saved their asses earlier. Yes - that is right - a 4-man team had to save their 12 pathetic lives earlier, and they were too cowardly to return the favor.

It served them right when they all got eaten later because they didn't have anyone to defend them.

After that, my friend dragged me to Toracon - the RIT Anime Convention. It was pretty cool - I got to meet Billy West (voice of Fry on Futurama), I saw Geek Comedy Tour, and I got to attend a panel on designing an apocalypse survival vehicle. It was fun.

With that, I leave you with this:

That was my last week. Except with caffeine instead of cocaine. And I didn't snort it. (Or maybe I did)

Also, I'm thinking of making a new avatar! Hopefully, hours of agonizing over repeated attempts at drawing something will once again triumph over my utter lack of artistic ability.


Ferret 14 years, 5 months ago

I've never heard of that game, but it sounds awesome.

How do you play Humans vs zombies? it doesn't sound very fun for the zombies…

Also, I'm thinking of making a new avatar! Hopefully, hours of agonizing over repeated attempts at drawing something will once again triumph over my utter lack of artistic ability.
I feel your pain :(

DesertFox 14 years, 5 months ago

HVZ is basically two-team competative tag, in which if a human tags a zombie (via nerf gun) the zombie is out of the game for 15 minutes, but if a zombie tags a human (via touch) the human becomes a zombie. Indoors, as well as areas within 15 feet of a main building entrance (double-doors, or vestibule) are safe zones for humans. Add in some missions, and it gets pretty awesome.

Also, yeah - my current avatar took a bit of effort to make, but it turned out well. Hopefully, if I make a new one, it will be as good (or better).

Mush 14 years, 5 months ago

Pixy Stix work better for energy.

Ferret 14 years, 5 months ago





Rez 14 years, 5 months ago

Guy fawkes your mom