So, I was doing some work up in Dallas helping my father with some office stuff, moving and putting together furniture, etc. Then this happened. was a tornado in Dallas today. Guess where I was today? Dallas! Lets get a bit more specific, shall we? Where in Dallas did the tornado hit? Mockingbird Lane! Guess where I was? Mockingbird Lane! Guess what time it hit? 7 PM. Guess where I was at 7 PM? Getting something to eat at a fast-food restaurant on Mockingbird Lane!To make a long story short, I got to see a tornado rip through Dallas, while waiting at the drive-through at Jack-in-the-Box! It knocked down a bunch of powerlines and stuff, caused a bunch of damage to buildings, and I think it did damage to the bridge as well, because there were more police and fire/rescue vehicles in one place than I'd ever seen, setting up a massive detour.So yeah, my day was exciting. How was yours?
@Cps - I've been close to tornados a few times before this, too. When I was really little, the eye of Hurricane Hugo passed over my house.
However, this tornado was in the middle of a major metropolis :D Cue b-rank disaster movies!Jack in the Box tacos = mouthgasm.
Yeah, Jack in the Box tacos are amazing. And the only thing I've ever eaten there.
Being a former employee of J&B, did you know that the beef taco is actually a vegan meal and contains no real meat or cheese? Just flavored soy protien and oil-based american cheese.
They're so good that I don't care :D
I've never had Jack-in-the-Box
I, too, have never had Jack-in-the-Box.
Enjoy your shitty fast-food!You can't beat 2 for a dolla.