Birthday & Zoom Goes the Ninja Demo

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 2, 2010, 6:39 p.m.

Now with online level sharing!

[flash width=480 height=320][/flash]


Ingame - Arrows to move, Z to jump/walljump

Editor - WASD/Arrows to move, TAB for minimap, SHIFT to bring up tile selection, click to place tiles,Z/X to flip selected tile

Esc always brings up a menu, or returns you to main-menu/editor

You can register an account, create and upload levels for other people to play. You can also edit those levels, and whatnot. It takes a few seconds to generate a level from its data - I'll have a quickie "Generating level…" screen later.

Other changes mostly are much tighter physics. Go ninja go! I'm still fixing problems occuring with concave curves…

On the main-menu "Play" brings you to a large physics test level that sorta sucks. "Editor" is the editor. "Custom" is the online level sharing. "What" is nothing.

Sorry, you can't delete levels yet, nor can you rate other people's levels, or add to their play-count, so when browsing online levels, "Created" is the only one that actually does anything.

Don't spam empty/stupid levels or I'll have to smack you with a haddock. A 42-ton enriched-uranium haddock.

Next up:

Lasers. Lots and lots of lasers. And axes. And gratuitous amounts of sharp, pointy death.

Also, it was my birthday a few days ago! I am now 22! Going out to celebrate tonight! Wish me happy birthday or I'll smack you with a haddock. A 42-ton enriched-uranium haddock.


sirxemic 14 years ago


noshenim 14 years ago

This needs walls that can't be used for wall-jumping, and clarity about what "save" means.

Ferret 14 years ago


Also, awesome job on the ninja game :D

DesertFox 14 years ago

@Player - already planned, and what do you mean about "save" not being clear? "Save" saves the level online. "Save As" saves the level online as a new level allowing you to keep old versions.

KaBob799 14 years ago


Mush 14 years ago

Very cool. I like the editor, but I kept pressing right click to delete blocks, shift to create multiple blocks, and ctrl-z to undo. I guess I'm used to GM's crappy level editor.

Quietus 14 years ago

haha i figured i wasn't the only one who kept right clicking it :P

you should have like, blocks that the ninja bounces off of, that might work for really fast flowing levels (though it may seem a bit like a pinball-platformer lol)

DesertFox 14 years ago


Bounce platforms are already in the works - I just removed them for this alpha cause they're A) buggy and B) ugly.

Also flash has no right click D:

sirxemic 14 years ago

Instead of an 'empty'-tile you might wanna change it to for example ctrl+mouse down = remove tile.

Scott_AW 14 years ago

Happy b-day, a day late. I'll have to give that ninja thing some more play time.