Idiot Surround Sound, Need Pixels

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 15, 2010, 9:20 p.m.

I made delicious cookies from scratch, my own recipe. I even ground the flour myself via awesome high-speed blender. Fresh flour smells all bakey. Cocoa powder and cinnamon are like adding pure awesome to cookies.


Oh, and the bank near my house got robbed today. Neat!

In short:

My cookies -> incredibly delicious

My minecraft -> incredibly addicting

My bank -> incredibly robbed

Also, does anyone know a good minecraft server?

Also, I have a new avatar.

And does anyone here know what happened to blueBX - he was doing graphics for my game and then he disappeared :/

If anyone wants to step up and help me with my game's graphics, send me a PM He's back :D


Killpill28 14 years ago

Screenshot looks good.

My brother was born middle class and dropped himself into poverty before he even left our home. Gangster, gangster, bottom of the pay roll.

Leyenda 14 years ago

…insist that lugubrious means satirical.
I agree they have different meaning, but they share a little in common too. For example, someone might behave "lugubriously", wringing his hands, saying "oh woe is me"… in order to satirize someone who always sees the dark side of life.

I even ground the flour myself via awesome high-speed blender.
serious? You ground wheat into flour? Extreme!

Moikle 14 years ago

at least the robbers didnt steal your cookies

sirxemic 14 years ago

Your avatar is strange.

Castypher 14 years ago

It must be the elusive vomiting deer fox >:{ that someone mentioned earlier.

DesertFox 14 years ago

@Leyenda - true, but by that logic, many things can be construed as related by satire. A happy kid going "Oh boy a new video game!" could be satire at the video game industry, or it could simply be a happy kid. Anyhow, while I do agree that something 'lugubrious' could be used in satire, I can also definitely say that my brother did not mean it in that way. His argument was that 'lugubrious' was a direct synonym of 'satire'. This is the same brother that spent several hours defending the notion that the brain is made of muscle tissue because of the phrase 'exercise your brain'.

@Moikle - its mah cookies!

@Kilin and RC - itsa fox not a deer >:{

firestormx 14 years ago

Fuck minecraft. Do you know how many days I've spent hollowing out a MASSIVE room underwater, then tunneling upwards and making a glass ceiling so I could see into the room from the bridges overhead?

And then whenever I stumbled into a cave, I had to explore it all/make it nice (put in stairs, etc).

I can't stop playing. T_T

And this is before I put in my train tracks to my already vast network of tunnels connecting my areas.

Castypher 14 years ago

I knew deer ears weren't usually that big….

Also, I played a quick demo of Minecraft. But when i tunneled down, I got stuck and couldn't get out. If anyone has any idea of how to mysteriously fly, that'd be nice.

KaBob799 14 years ago

When I discover caves I just fill them with lights and mine the iron/stuff I find. Really cool caves get turned into semi-bases.

firestormx 14 years ago

Kilin: select a rock in your inventory, then press [space], and quickly press right-click.