Idiot Surround Sound, Need Pixels

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 15, 2010, 9:20 p.m.

I made delicious cookies from scratch, my own recipe. I even ground the flour myself via awesome high-speed blender. Fresh flour smells all bakey. Cocoa powder and cinnamon are like adding pure awesome to cookies.


Oh, and the bank near my house got robbed today. Neat!

In short:

My cookies -> incredibly delicious

My minecraft -> incredibly addicting

My bank -> incredibly robbed

Also, does anyone know a good minecraft server?

Also, I have a new avatar.

And does anyone here know what happened to blueBX - he was doing graphics for my game and then he disappeared :/

If anyone wants to step up and help me with my game's graphics, send me a PM He's back :D


RC 14 years ago

Nice deer fox >:{

Mush 14 years ago

And does anyone here know what happened to blueBX - he was doing graphics for my game and then he disappeared :/
This seems to happen to you quite often.

DesertFox 14 years ago

Yeah and you were one of them :<

colseed 14 years ago

Cookies! :D

I take it the bank robber(s) hit the wrong target today then.

At least the bank was only incredibly robbed. Instead of being Forcibly robbed. By Darth Vader.

Quietus 14 years ago

The Lugubrious Library Loft is a song off Toby Driver's In the L…L…Library Loft, from that alone i could tell you the word means gloomy, or at least not sarcastic.

but sometimes when someone's brain latches onto something it's hard to let go lol.

Cesar 14 years ago

I was playing TF2 with blueBX just a second ago. I'm not even kidding.

Tasm 14 years ago

That reminds me, I need to drop acid.

blueBX 14 years ago

Sorry DF. I shall dedicate this weekend to your game. I'll call this weekend "Mission Foxhole!"

DesertFox 14 years ago



Also, what the heck. Ninja screenshot:

The funny thing to the top-left is a whirling shuriken moving along the edge of the U-shaped ground and the thing to the bottom-right is a quad-laser, rotating counterclockwise. Fun fact: the light/dark ground tiles are actually two tilesets, one applied on top of the other with an alpha map.

Ferret 14 years ago

Brothers are stupid. Especially ours.

Your description of your cookies made me hungry :(

blueBX drifts from time to time leaving comments so if he chooses.