A Very Happier Christmas

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 25, 2011, 3:39 p.m.

What started as a pretty crappy christmas ended up being rather nice after all, thanks to a bunch of friends.

I just wanted to say thank you, and to say that I wouldn't trade them for the world. Merry Christmas :3

Original post below, tl;dr, my family forgot me for christmas, it was quite depressing.

This Christmas sucked absolutely. The one gift that I got that meant anything was a hoodie- I love hoodies, and I needed a new one. Aside from that, all I got was a bunch of bullshit. Why?

I just got a bunch of shirts. Literally - that is all I got. My family members are getting all sorts of stuff, like a guitar, flatbread maker, gym set, awesome RC cars and helicopters, desktop bubblegum machines, tic-tac-toe drinking game set, even a freakin' .22 rifle + WWII ammo box.

Meanwhile, I get yet another shirt. Shirts that I can't even wear because I can't wear longsleeve shirts, and anyone who has ever known me knows this. The last time I wore a long-sleeve shirt willingly was about 8 years ago. I can't wear them because stuff that constricts my wrists seriously bothers me and I don't get cold anyways (I like hoodies cause they're comfortable). And if there's one piece of clothing I don't need, its more shirts. I got five shirts, and I can't wear a single one of them.

My three youngest brothers, all who are getting into college and are buying each other stuff like Pokemon Black, managed to band together and chip in a whopping two dollars each to buy me a steam game that they knew I already own because I suggested that they buy it. I spent more on them individually than all of my brothers did on me combined, and I'm flat-out broke. To quote my brothers, "We were going to get you Skyrim, but we didn't know if you wanted it" - which is bullcrap because for the last two months I've been saying that when I get paid I'm going to buy it. And they didn't even really buy the game for me - they put it on their own steam account and told me that I could log into theirs if I wanted to play it.

So basically, for Christmas, I got a hoodie - props to my mother for that, she is exempt from my malaise. Screw the rest of my family for being absolute crap. What the hell, man? I could give a damn about the gifts themselves, what really hurts is that they simply didn't care enough to get me something that I might even remotely like or find useful - even the slightest modicum of forethought while buying gifts would would have nice. Instead I got a bunch of shirts I can't wear, and a cheap game that wasn't even really for me. Even my grandparents forgot about me.

I felt so crappy that I couldn't sleep, instead I stayed up and ranted to KaBob for a bit and he bought me Delve Deeper on steam and it made me feel a little bit better. <3 kabobcheeseface

Normally I'd not be one to say something, but damn, I wouldn't mind being showered with love right about now ;_; You guys are nice, make me feel better.


Kamira 12 years, 10 months ago


JID 12 years, 10 months ago

well, i got absolutely nothing for christmas, at least you got something.

JuurianChi 12 years, 10 months ago


Treat yourself to some abandonware.

As I understand, it's always free.

JID 12 years, 10 months ago

i'm gonna get Skyrim and Batman Arkham City on wednseday anyway.

i just need some patience before i go crazy and stab someone in the face.

JuurianChi 12 years, 10 months ago



I liek shirts.

I don't get many chances to wear them though.

My parents sent me two.


MMOnologueguy 12 years, 10 months ago

I, too, have aspirations of banning the use, manufacture, and sale of long-sleeved shirts.

Kamira 12 years, 10 months ago

I thought you hibernated D:

Extravisual 12 years, 10 months ago

Fuck christmas.

DesertFox 12 years, 10 months ago

Its not the gifts themselves (or lack thereof) that bothers me, its the fact that they put absolutely no thought whatsoever towards me. They didn't even try, basically ignored me, and even bought themselves something while calling it 'my' gift.

flashback 12 years, 10 months ago

You, what is your ID of STEAM?