A Very Happier Christmas

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 25, 2011, 3:39 p.m.

What started as a pretty crappy christmas ended up being rather nice after all, thanks to a bunch of friends.

I just wanted to say thank you, and to say that I wouldn't trade them for the world. Merry Christmas :3

Original post below, tl;dr, my family forgot me for christmas, it was quite depressing.

This Christmas sucked absolutely. The one gift that I got that meant anything was a hoodie- I love hoodies, and I needed a new one. Aside from that, all I got was a bunch of bullshit. Why?

I just got a bunch of shirts. Literally - that is all I got. My family members are getting all sorts of stuff, like a guitar, flatbread maker, gym set, awesome RC cars and helicopters, desktop bubblegum machines, tic-tac-toe drinking game set, even a freakin' .22 rifle + WWII ammo box.

Meanwhile, I get yet another shirt. Shirts that I can't even wear because I can't wear longsleeve shirts, and anyone who has ever known me knows this. The last time I wore a long-sleeve shirt willingly was about 8 years ago. I can't wear them because stuff that constricts my wrists seriously bothers me and I don't get cold anyways (I like hoodies cause they're comfortable). And if there's one piece of clothing I don't need, its more shirts. I got five shirts, and I can't wear a single one of them.

My three youngest brothers, all who are getting into college and are buying each other stuff like Pokemon Black, managed to band together and chip in a whopping two dollars each to buy me a steam game that they knew I already own because I suggested that they buy it. I spent more on them individually than all of my brothers did on me combined, and I'm flat-out broke. To quote my brothers, "We were going to get you Skyrim, but we didn't know if you wanted it" - which is bullcrap because for the last two months I've been saying that when I get paid I'm going to buy it. And they didn't even really buy the game for me - they put it on their own steam account and told me that I could log into theirs if I wanted to play it.

So basically, for Christmas, I got a hoodie - props to my mother for that, she is exempt from my malaise. Screw the rest of my family for being absolute crap. What the hell, man? I could give a damn about the gifts themselves, what really hurts is that they simply didn't care enough to get me something that I might even remotely like or find useful - even the slightest modicum of forethought while buying gifts would would have nice. Instead I got a bunch of shirts I can't wear, and a cheap game that wasn't even really for me. Even my grandparents forgot about me.

I felt so crappy that I couldn't sleep, instead I stayed up and ranted to KaBob for a bit and he bought me Delve Deeper on steam and it made me feel a little bit better. <3 kabobcheeseface

Normally I'd not be one to say something, but damn, I wouldn't mind being showered with love right about now ;_; You guys are nice, make me feel better.


LAR Games 13 years, 2 months ago

I got shaving cream, a razor, and a hoodie. Plus a sketchpad from my little sister. I'm not complaining.

EDIT: Does anybody want to trade coal on steam to get the objective?

DesertFox 13 years, 2 months ago



I have to go look.

@Lar - is it just me, or is everyone getting hoodies? Its what Extravisual got too. We shall form the Hoodie Christmas group. Also read my above comment :(

Acid 13 years, 2 months ago

I'm sorry. That REALLY sucks. :(

Punch everybody.

LAR Games 13 years, 2 months ago

Also, I just got this for completing an objective:


I'm sad now…

DesertFox 13 years, 2 months ago

@flashback desertfoxamorpheous :O What are you planning

Rob 13 years, 2 months ago

I got shaving cream, a razor, and a hoodie. Plus a sketchpad from my little sister.

I think she wants you to shave her pubic hair and then sketch her naked

LAR Games 13 years, 2 months ago

Um… What?

I really didn't expect that….

Kunedon 13 years, 2 months ago

What the hell, Rob.

LAR Games 13 years, 2 months ago

Anyway…. Anybody want to trade coal on steam?

DesertFox 13 years, 2 months ago

._. <- mfw rob comments