My Theory of Gravity

Posted by DesertFox on June 18, 2006, 7:16 p.m.

In response to This Blog I must sasy that it is absolutely wrong.

There is no such thing as gravity.

It is all ego-centrism.

Each and every particle in the universe has an ego. Larger particles have larger egos.

Now, particles are attracted to other particles' egos. The larger the ego, the larger the attraction - just like high-school. People want to be near the "cool" kids.

Planets are just conglomerites of large-ego particles, they have joined up as a group of friends, and don't want to be broken away from each other. This furthers the effects.

Black holes are like movie stars, like Tom Cruise.

That is all.


DesertFox 18 years, 4 months ago

Ah, poor misguided HeroofTime55…

I am a nerd. An absolute nerd. i love stuff about stars, and black holes. I can tell you with absolute certainty that black holes have volume.

The diameter of a Sun-mass black hole is about 4 miles. Here

I like neutron stars more though.

DesertFox 18 years, 4 months ago

That's measuring by Shwarztchild radius, by the way - the standard for black hole measurement. It is theoretical, because to actually measure the diameter would mean to go past the even horizon.


HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

No, i believe that site mistakes black holes for neutron stars. BTW, our sun would not likely be a black hole because it isnt massive enough.

Look up black holes somewhere else. Some place more scientific than a kids science page :P I always find kids science pages very misguiding, probably because they make things easier to understand.

I am 99% certain black holes are 0 volume. Ill look it up on the NASA site.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

hmmm, this also interferes with the gravaton theory. If NOTHING can escape a black hole, then how do supposed gravatons escape? 'cause they dont exist.

DesertFox 18 years, 4 months ago

Yes, I know that the sun isn't massive enough to become a black hole on it's own, and no, it isn't mistakeing black holes for neutron stars.


This one says 3km instead of 6km, but it is consisten with the Earth/marble thing.

Do not mess with me and science XD

Gosh! yet another link saying black holes have a size - again, 3km for a Sol-mass black hole.

Do you want me to stop now? :)

You have no idea how much I know about stuff like this. My friend and I are science buffs - we have fights over scientific theories.

DesertFox 18 years, 4 months ago

By the way, the Gosh link is from Berkeley California.

This NASA link says that the volume of a black hole is not 0, but infinite,due to the fact that relativity stretches space inside the event horizon.

When I say volume,I mean unstretched volume - or the Schwartzchild Radius.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

ahh i see, so thats the diameter required before gravity becomes concentrated enough to keep light from escaping. So we defined a Black Hole differently. I defined it as the ultra supercondensed 0 volume thing, you see it as just whats necessary to redner it 'black.' But do you agree that it can be squeezed further? because it can, i believe. Squishing an entire human to less than an atom proves theres a TON of empty space in atoms, if it is not entirely empty space. And BTW, such a black hole made of human wouldnt be very good at sucking in light, save for the stuff passing by very close. In fact, at that special diameter, the light actually has to hit the object to not go anywhere (i think…)

You may be into planets, but im into physics :P

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 4 months ago

DesertFox, that was amazing [=D]. I'm still laughing.

DesertFox 18 years, 4 months ago

I laugh at you, because you are 100% backwards.

As gravity increases, space stretches, meaning it takes LONGER to get from point A to point B, therefore the relativistic distance INSCREASES. As gravity increases more the stretching gets worse, and space stretches more, making the volume BIGGER.

So the more you squeeze, the more space stretches and the larger the distance from point A to point B.

//You may be into planets, but im into physics//

Everything that I have found supports what I am saying, and not a shred follows what you say. In fact, it is the complete opposite. Infinite volume as opposed to 0.

//you see it as just whats necessary to redner it 'black.'// means nothing, except the minimum mass of a black hole to be a black hole.

As mass increases, APPARENT size decreases, but space stretches infinitely.

Still, I love a good science battle

By the way, I am a part of a website that is fanatical about stuff like this. The site is supposed to be inventions, but everyone is fanatical about getting it scientifically correct.

I've fought this fight before.


DesertFox 18 years, 4 months ago

Aha! I have found what youmean by zero volume.

It is a disregarded notion - and it is only theoretical!

//Most physicists regard zero volume as a not well-posed idea, hence the expectation that there must be a way within a larger theory (quantum gravity) to avoid zero volume and instead end in some finite, albeit extreme, state.//

//At the center of a black hole the singularity point has zero volume and infinite density.//

Key words - AT THE SINGULARITY POINT. Not the entire black hole. Just at the center.