My Theory of Gravity

Posted by DesertFox on June 18, 2006, 7:16 p.m.

In response to This Blog I must sasy that it is absolutely wrong.

There is no such thing as gravity.

It is all ego-centrism.

Each and every particle in the universe has an ego. Larger particles have larger egos.

Now, particles are attracted to other particles' egos. The larger the ego, the larger the attraction - just like high-school. People want to be near the "cool" kids.

Planets are just conglomerites of large-ego particles, they have joined up as a group of friends, and don't want to be broken away from each other. This furthers the effects.

Black holes are like movie stars, like Tom Cruise.

That is all.


chiggerfruit 18 years, 4 months ago

by the singularity point, it's stating that the black hole is something of like a cone… it also goes with that traveling between universes thing where a center of a black hole is something like the middle of an hour glass.

anyways, certain particles can escape from a black hole, i forget what can though. i remember an image vividly of this when i was watching a disovery channel program a while back. if i do recall they might have been gravitrons.

takua108 18 years, 4 months ago

No, DF, you're wrong; clearly, gravity is nonexistant and we only <i>think</i> it exists due to extensive brainwashing, so therefore it exists. It's called the "Placebo Effect," and, apparently, it can work on entire species. Which explains why birds can fly.

Kenon 18 years, 4 months ago

Tsk… Gravity exists. but it's actually BACKWARDS. it pushes UP on you. Our elemental energy keeps us on earth. So if we resist the elemental energy and get high enough, we are PUSHED away from the earth!

Master_Kakashi 18 years, 4 months ago

er… takua, if that were really the case, you'd all be my minions. and more than one of you would be breakdancing. and i'd have cool magica powers and what not! and sheep would be my assassin gaurds!


HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

*admits defeat*

Gah it pains me, i NEVER lose a science debate. But you are (mostly) right. Im used to the model of a single point ripping a hole in space time.

DesertFox 18 years, 4 months ago

XD I have these sorts of debates just about every day. Don't feel bad, you held your side very well.