Some Assembly Required

Posted by DesertFox on Feb. 6, 2013, 11:52 a.m.

Fox needs halp. Can you supply it? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help me build a gaming rig! My price point is approximately 1200$USD, although I'm willing to spend a little more if it is worth it. I figure it is about time I had something, anything dedicated to gaming, especially since I haven't really bought any computer hardware for 2 years (except my 2tb external drive a year ago). I am going to need literally everything to build a computer - from the PSU to the thermal paste.


Quad-core processor (at least i5, ivy bridge)

16gb RAM-ish

Should not require special cooling rig

I want a relatively small-to-mid sized tower -no behemoth that I can't move around if I want

Will need a monitor and keyboard/mouse

Doesn't have to be cutting edge, but ought to be able to play recent games on high settings

I'm also plan on sort of using it as a NAS/server for streaming and maybe hosting some stuff

I won't need to purchase an OS because I've got a Win7 Ultimate license.

Seeing as I am terrible with hardware, I leave it up to you. Wander over to Newegg, and assemble parts that you think make the cut. Then we shall choose - via group consensus! Discussion and debate! All out brawling! Duels to the death! How you decide is up to you, just please help ;_;

Sorry, derp. No money left over :<


Acid 11 years, 8 months ago

Actually that card is pretty good, it will be able to run new games full res on max settings for a WHILE.

KaBob799 11 years, 8 months ago

Hey that's the mouse I use =D

tylerthemiler 11 years, 8 months ago
Acid 11 years, 8 months ago

Ergonomic keyboards are actually more uncomfortable for me than they are helpful.

DesertFox 11 years, 8 months ago

I've never liked ergonomic keyboards either, really :/

firestormx 11 years, 8 months ago

Is it really worth spending over $100 on a keyboard? What are the advantages of a mechanical keyboard over a $20 to $40 membrane one?

If I had $175 to spare, I'd fucking buy that mechanical keyboard in a second.

If you're like me, and live your life on the keyboard, having miniature orgasms with every key press will quickly make you shrivel up and die, but it's totally worth it to hear and feel the clicking of the mechanical keyboard.

My recommendation to you, would be to skip getting a graphics card for now, and wait until your next paycheque to get it. You can spend your days and nights hammering away on your keyboard, to a black screen.

I can't use my old Model M keyboard, because it has no windows key (which I use on a constant basis), and razr's keyboard has function keys in a place that makes me hit them, instead of ctrl, so that's out as well. But Das keyboard…It looks so beautiful.

Anyway, I can try make some suggestions later, based on what I was looking at for my build.

sirxemic 11 years, 8 months ago

Also, I have a Radeon HD 7870 myself (though from Club3D), and I am not too satisfied with it. For example, since the latest driver update any color with its red component = 0, it will render the color black in Photoshop. I also have had some rendering issues with game maker games, especially with surfaces. Which is why I am getting an nVidia card instead soon.

firestormx 11 years, 8 months ago

I likes me my nvidia.

I got the Radeon 7850 a year ago, and it wasn't until like two weeks ago that they released a driver that didn't lock up my computer (as in, hard reboot required) whenever I played GPU-intensive games.

On the other hand, you can have more than 2 monitors per video card, so that's awesome, and that's the reason I settled on an at-the-time less-powerful-for-the-money ATI card.

LAR Games 11 years, 8 months ago

I only have a a Radeon HD 6670 myself, since that's pretty much the maximum my 300 watt power supply can handle.

It's okay. Especially since the only thing I can compare to it is what my pc was with the intergrated graphics.

DesertFox 11 years, 8 months ago

Since people seem to be leaning towards nVidia, I think I might be leaning towards this instead, which puts my build at this.

I'm about 100$USD over what I intended to spend, but my original price point was 1000$USD for components + 200$USD for externals, and currently sans externals I'm at ~1030$USD.

That gfx card may in fact be overkill, sooo…. thoughts, ideas? People are commenting more on what I have selected, but I'd greatly appreciate help on suggesting things that I /haven't/. You have a better idea for gpu/mobo/whatever, please say so :3