Status: Assembled

Posted by DesertFox on Feb. 12, 2013, 11:16 p.m.

I don't think I've told you guys, but I'm building a computer. Or, I should say, was.

Status upgraded to assembled!

I said I'd take pictures, so here they are!

So I unpacked my case, and and started fiddling around.

Oh look, a sock!

Motherboard mounded with the CPU installed

The SSD and disk drive mounted in their bay (the ssd is actually attached at top, not just sitting there)

I've stuck the motherboard tray in the rest of the case.

Screwing around, mounting the PSU in /its/ tray ( there are three removable trays in my case :D )


Inside of the box before mounting graphics card

After mounting the graphics card and putting the drive bay back in

Mounted the PSU bay and connected all the power cables

Oh look! It runs! Also, I am probably going to disable the fan LEDs (hopefully nondestructively), because those are going to be annoying to sleep with on.'

Tomorrow, I will venture into installing windows and drivers!


firestormx 12 years ago

Good catch, Juurian.

Now I can't stop imagining a mentally disturbed DF wandering through life with one sock on, due to his delusions that he needs one sock off the other foot for protection. In an effort to try and reign in this behaviour, his boyfriend bought him a plushy, that he assured DF would be his guardian.

JuurianChi 12 years ago

That is such a sad story.

I can't wait for the sequel.

DesertFox should use his new computer to write it.

Kunedon 12 years ago

I came to this blog expecting a Transformers joke.

I was disappointed.

Nice build BTW

firestormx 12 years ago

Part two is DF yelling at the poor plushy guardian, because the guardian won't protect him from the blue LED lights at night.

DesertFox 12 years ago

Bugrit! Millennium hand and shrimp! Bugrit!

Unaligned 12 years ago

I'm pretty certain that when my current desktop poops out or becomes the equivalent of using a Pentium 4 today I'm going to go for the smallest tower I can find. Shit's so convenient.

Extravisual 12 years ago

Blue LED's are the bane of my existence.

Eva unit-01 12 years ago

If there's one thing I've learned about the future, it's that you can never have enough blue LEDs on anything.

DesertFox 12 years ago


@eva :o

Jeremy 12 years ago

Doesn't look like you installed the memory right for dual channel support.