
Posted by DesertFox on July 30, 2013, 2:54 p.m.

At work, I finally got my retina MacBook. It is beautiful and the gloriously crisp screen makes me happy, because I never really use my monitor which seems a bit silly but I sit in a beanbag and hoisting a giant-ass monitor on my lap is not appealing. Plus, where would the keyboard sit? I make up the difference in real-estate by whoring out the multiple-desktop thing. I've got so many desktops, all laid out dedicated to various categories. My two main desktops are in the middle, with another on each side for random stuff for a total of four. It is awesome.

Work has decidedly gotten complicated. My last project was finished, and now I'm in that limbo where you have nothing to do but people expect you to do stuff anyway. So I'm being shuffled around a bunch which I really dislike because I hate having to change mental gears all the time, let alone figure out what takes priority because, according to whoever you are talking to, why obviously their problems are the most important.

Knock-off Fruit Gushers suck. They simply aren't satisfying, because the knock-off brand's liquid gets absorbed by the fruit snack while its sitting in its package, leaving you with a slightly mushier fruit snack with a cavity in the center. Still tasty though, but next time I'll be buying on-brand.

Speaking of snacks, there's always that one person at the office that has no compunction about eating other people's food. Now, from what I hear, normally such people are relegated to sealed food and the occasional snagging of items out of a lunch bag. However, our resident food-thief has taken a decidedly… strange route.

It started normally, with little things - drinks and stuff, taking my breakfast-cheese (I like extra-sharp cracker barrel in the morning :P), and other stuff that, although it isn't theirs, isn't weird for them to be eating. That was then. Now, this person has recently graduated to stealing leftovers. That's right - this person is now stealing (and presumably eating) other people's half-eaten food. See, there's this wonderful Thai restaurant nearby; its a bit expensive, but they give a ton of food so I always save half of it for the next day. However, today I went to go eat the latter half of yesterday's Masaman curry, upon which I found it had conveniently disappeared, leaving the rest of the fridge untouched. And it wasn't exactly unobvious that I had already eaten from it, either.


You guys should read Buttersafe. It is one of my favorites.


Mush 11 years, 2 months ago

Hi Fox.

Every blog I read of yours mentions snacks in some form. And Thai food is soo spicy and delicious, what kind of sick person would steal Thai food?

Zac1790 11 years, 2 months ago

You should put fake mold on your food. Or real mold, i.e. blue cheese

JuurianChi 11 years, 2 months ago

what kind of sick person would steal Thai food?

Thai food is an indiscriminate hussy when it comes to darkening the hearts of mortal men!

Under the influence of Thai food, anyone could be driven to do– anything!

panzercretin 11 years, 2 months ago

Then again, if I was employed by your company, I would most likely be the resident food thief. :(

not if i get to it first

panzer and cyrax, rival janitors/food thieves

perfect summer blockbuster bromcom

aeron 11 years, 2 months ago

It started normally, with little things - drinks and stuff, taking my breakfast-cheese…

I'll just leave this right hurrr...

JuurianChi 11 years, 2 months ago

I don't even get that.

Why do people steal cheese? It's one of the most insignificant of wannabe foodstuffs.

So I'm being shuffled around a bunch which I really dislike because I hate having to change mental gears all the time, let alone figure out what takes priority because, according to whoever you are talking to, why obviously their problems are the most important.

I hate it when people do that, it's so- ugh. They're like "you haz skillz, let me tell you about my prioritieez". Although I guess your scenario is slightly different, cause …it's your job andstuff

Unaligned 11 years, 2 months ago

Make food at home

Eat some of it

Leave the rest in a container

Let it rot for weeks (or months)

Take to the office as if it were your food for the day


Problem solved

panzercretin 11 years, 2 months ago

This one time my brother brought me home some cupcakes his friend had in their fridge for a while. I didn't realize until I bit into it that it was completely filled with mold. Cupcakes almost always look good from the outside, even if they've apparently been sitting around for months.

Also I hear there's this chemical you can put in your food with an eyedropper that dyes your teeth black if you consume it - no taste, no side effects. I'm pretty sure the sole point of its manufacture is for times like this.

DesertFox 11 years, 2 months ago

@aeron D:< no wonder they want my cheese!

@panzer ewcupcakemold

aeron 11 years, 2 months ago

Guys pls, it's just extra protein. I used to regularly eat cereal with sugar ants in it, mostly because my parents found it easier to convince us that sugar ants made food sweeter rather than actually doing something about our sugar ant problem.