I am so sleepy I have drunk soda with every meal for the past month. Caffiene! Anyhoo, I have been playing random stuff on the internet.My friends had a virus contest, trying to see who had the most viruses/spywarez on their computer.The winning number was 526 viruses/spywarez. All I can say is wow.
Random linebreak! Woohoo! Robot Chicken Rules!
Random comment that I also posted in Kaz's blog!Ciriboting Nintendo is taking over the world. I went to the amusement park, and what are the people on the rollercoasters screaming?"Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!"End of random comment
Oh, and want some buttons?Buttons!This comic strip says it all.
Random linebreak! Woohoo! Robot Chicken Rules!
Random comment that I also posted in Kaz's blog!Ciriboting Nintendo is taking over the world. I went to the amusement park, and what are the people on the rollercoasters screaming?"Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!"End of random comment
Oh, and want some buttons?Buttons!This comic strip says it all.
rofl on the strip.
Yay 1st comment!cool :D
OMG BUTTONS *holds enter*lol. I just checked out the hacker thing:
and this is my hacked comment:ropf lon the str1p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 yay lst comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 u r lame #1 posted vby snakenman on sptemb3r 52, 200^ at 09:25 pm ^^I like that comment better. XDSnakeman, here is your second comment haxxorized.
ol~ lololoolololol~~~ i just cheX0red otu th3 ha0r thing:and this IS my ahX0red comment::ropf lon teh str1op!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ come to my ftp!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ zahck The planneyt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ 11TAY SLT COMMENMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 11 U R LAME#1 PISTED VBY SANKJENM4N ON SPTEMNB3R 52, 200^ 4T 09:25 P//^^I LIKE THAT COMMEMNT BETTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 YOU ARE LME BECUZ I WILL AJCK U XD#3 POSTE DBY SNAKEMAN ON SEPTEMBAR 25, 200 TA 0:27 PM
Hahaha Muahahha!
Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!
Funny comic.
Yep. I just read my blog, and realized I have had waaaaay too much soda lately.
That strip is awesome!
ol~ 7li0olO0lo77oolo~~~ i juS4t ch3x0rde tU tH3 ahoro thi1gn::an d tjhi si myas hcOed cmmemnty:: orfp l;o| |tejs tro!p~~~~~~ 11~~~1 11~~~ ;l~ 0c//me tto m ftp~! 1~~~ 07ol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ 11~~~~ haX0r thhe pa7nnatl ololollol0lOlol~~ ~~~ OLOLOOLLOLOLOLOLO ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~l olo7olol7~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ 1~~~~~ 111~~~~~ 111~~~ zshx)r t3h Pol4nney~~~ 1tl~~~ lolol~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ lolollolp!!!!!!!111~~ 11~~ AHX0R UUUUUYUU~~~~ ~~~~~ 11l~~~~ ~~~l1 rt4y slr cmoM3//
t~~~~ 11 11 ui rlam e#l puisd#d /by sanKjenm4n on spte//b3r 52, 2)0^ 4T io:25p // ^^i licxro ht4t cimmn3mt nbett$r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ 111 l11~~~~~~~ ~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OLOL~ 11 lololoololOlolo7ol L1~~ lk1 1ur4 l//e beciuz 1 wull4j X0 u xdcan you ever read that?hmm.heh awsome comic =p