Uncle Frank

Posted by DesertFox on Sept. 25, 2006, 8:20 p.m.

This page in Hacker!

I am so sleepy I have drunk soda with every meal for the past month. Caffiene! Anyhoo, I have been playing random stuff on the internet.

My friends had a virus contest, trying to see who had the most viruses/spywarez on their computer.

The winning number was 526 viruses/spywarez. All I can say is wow.

Random linebreak! Woohoo! Robot Chicken Rules!

Random comment that I also posted in Kaz's blog!

Ciriboting Nintendo is taking over the world. I went to the amusement park, and what are the people on the rollercoasters screaming?


End of random comment

Oh, and want some buttons?


This comic strip says it all.


KaBob799 18 years ago

I beat the translator, it didnt have much to do with my comment.

heh awsomE ccomic =p


OL~ 7LIOOLO0KLO&70O7O~~~ I JUS4T CH30RDE TU TH3 AHoR0 THI1GN:::QAND TJHI SI MYAZ HCOED CMMENT:Y: ORFP L;O| |T3JS TTO!!!!!111 P~~~~~~~ 11~~~1 1l~~~ ;L~ 0C//M3 TTO M FTP~!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ 1~~~ 07ol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ 111~~~~ l1~~~~ AHX0R THHE PA7NNATL OLOOLLLOKL0LOLOL~~ ~~~ 0LOLOOLLOLOOLLIOL ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~L 0LO7OLO77~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ 111~~~ 1~~~~~ 111~~~~ 111~~~ zshx)r t3h pol4nney~~~~ 1tl~~~ lolol~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ lolollolp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ ll1~~ 11~ ahx0r uUuUuyyuu~~~~ ~~~~~ 11k~~~~ ~~~l1 rt4y s7r cmom3//

t~~~~ 11 11 i rla// 3#l puisd#d /by saankkjenm$n on sptwe//

b3r 52,2)0^ 4t i:o25P //^^i licxor hrt4t cimmnm3t nbettr$~~~~~~~ , !l1~~~ 111 l11~~~~~~~ ~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ olol~ 11 lololoolOlOloloo7l 7l~~ lk11 ur4 7//

3 beciuz 1 wul74j x0 u xd

cs nypou eavr re4dt hat??????

hmm.. ololoolo

Kaz 18 years ago

The winning number was 526 viruses/spywarez. All I can say is wow.
Pfft. I had 1200 before.

flashback 18 years ago

You owe me an avatar.

JMchaos 18 years ago

… 1200….. wtf were you looking at?

Kaz 18 years ago

Lol, I have no protection against anything and I dont run scans very often.

Onyx 18 years ago

I saw a record of ~2900 personaly (when cleaning up my friends comp) and ~4500 in a screenshot my other friend made… so yeah

Cesar 18 years ago

ROLF, that's a nice comic…

anyways, my friend had about 5000 viruses… he got on porn A LOT, AND on IE…

Kenon 18 years ago

^^5000? xD

chicklet 18 years ago

college is great:)

where do you go?

i go to smc… its just community…

ElementalWarrior01 17 years, 12 months ago

That buttons thing…

Hold Enter and dont let go >=)