Alike yesterday, again nothing to blog about but I am going to conjure up a somewhat long lbog anyway.
So, I fired up inkscape which has been sitting there forever and made myself up a new avatar and banner. You like?Anyway, does anybody know the true answer to this …SuperBlog
Well, idk. I feel like blogging, but I don't know what to blog about. Why not start off with some pointless shit from my life.
So yeah, uh… nothing really to say about my life either. Except that for science we had to make a cardboard/duct tape boat and sail …The End of the World
My legs exploded oh noes!11!!!1
:OProblems with floodfill
I've been trying to figure out a fast and effective way to create a floodfill. I have come up with a very fast method, but there is only one problem. It never fills over the wronge color, it just doesn't always fill all of the area it is supposed to, …
Flash is great... [New Animation]
|2862 Hits|
Wow… I thought I would have to upload my movie as a zip for people to download, but I guess not. I looked at the supported filetypes, and what do you know? .swf's are allowed… So I guess this will be bigger than I though. But yeah, anyway, …The Good And Bads...
2740 Hits as of writing this.
K, I got a fricken sweet new computer with Vista on it. But… fricken GM6.1 won't work on it, so now I have to register with yoyo and everything and get my key updated and everything and its gonna be a while before I …OMFG LOOK AT THESE!
I don't remember how I found the first one of these, but I can say that this is truely an art. Crashing rollercoasters into massive crowds in RCT3. It is amazing what people come up with to kill these peeps.
Here is a crapload of links for you to watch …MMO continued...
Ok, I h ave been messing around with more MMO stuff. I have made an engine so people can walk around and meet other players. Instances are updated/created as needed. I am having a problem though with when a player leaves the game… I can't figure out how to designate …
MMO Help Needed
Yup. I am working on a new MMO, I have no idea what I'm doing with it, but for now I'm working on converting the MMO engine from mplay to 39dll.dll stuff.
I have the engine done, so you are probably wondering what I need help with… well… as most …0100100100101110
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