Posted by DevonX on May 5, 2007, 1:17 p.m.

Hits as of written: 4155

Hey you, read this blog. =P

You know how almost all the time there is one guest? I think that there is only one because as soon as someone sees this site, they join and just about at that time another guests starts looking at the site and the process repeats. [:P]

Ok, I have the awesomest idea and I don't know if has ever been done before. If you read my last blog you know that I just out of no where diceded to start making an MMO. Well, the connection engine is done and now for some gameplay. How about using emoticons for players? Sound cool? And as you play you earn cash and you can buy new emoticons to use as your player. And even places to go where you can duel other players for money. Shops and stuff too will be available where you can sell and buy items to use.

Obviously what kind of MMO would this be besides a crappy one without a chat system? So to top off the chat system, even a buddy list to see who is on. Eh? So any ideas the you may have, please, tell me what they are because I want to make something that I will be know for. Something where hundreds of people are on at any given time. Even start up a website with my own domain and everything. I'm already getting a bit of money off selling website templates, but thats not enough for a site.

So, what do you think? Should I continue? Or am I wasting my time?



ludamad 17 years, 9 months ago

The guest thing is a bug XD

DevonX 17 years, 9 months ago

Orly? Then fix it.

DevonX 17 years, 9 months ago

This makes me sad, I almost never get more then 20 comments per blog, except for that BBCode one… that got quite a bit…

s 17 years, 9 months ago

MMOs take effort,and I find are quite useless

As for commenting…I duno,a lot of people probably leave when they just see text,so by actually using BBcode,ppl might read it more then just run away

god 17 years, 9 months ago

Man, I bet anything that you don't finish this…

Just finish Flip Man!

Shork 17 years, 9 months ago

Using emoticons seems weird. It could be interesting. I prefer mmos to have more customization. I once made a system for creating a customized character by overlapping sprites, but it was extremly innefficiant, so it wouldn't work for MMOs… unless… maybe… no… not like how I did it…

Rob 17 years, 9 months ago

Don't remove the guest! Its part of 64digits!

DevonX 17 years, 9 months ago

Quote: HandrawnMan
Man, I bet anything that you don't finish this…

Just finish Flip Man!

idk about that… this i just kinda work on for about an hour or two a day, so it will get finished, it will just take forever. And I haven't even touched flip man since that third update…. i knida lost interest in it, i might hand it down to someone else who will really work on it as long as im in the credits somewhere saying "Founded by SuperDevon4 (aka Devon Chandler)". So yeah, anyone interested?

Mynameisonic 17 years, 9 months ago

The guest thing is a bug XD
That's what they want you to think… *cue dramatic music* It's really an evil hacker, watching, waiting to make his move…

Anyway, the MMO idea sounds good, but do you have a server you can run it on? I'm tired of MMOs you have to type someone's IP in to play… I think those are a waste of time to make. I'd rather play a regular RPG than an MMO with no server.

DevonX 17 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, what i do is make the server make itself invisible once it starts, so that way i forget its there and its always up, i keep my comp on all the time so it'll only be down durring power outages n stuff. The game automatically connects to my ip