Our foray into developing a horror game

Posted by Deza on Oct. 9, 2011, 8:49 a.m.

Took me a bloody age to get the screen to move with the player. Still a few bugs, mainly due to me refusing to go with a tile based map, so all the collisions are calculated in real time, which causes some walking through walls.

At the moment we're implementing enemy's, which is going to a challenge because the characters cords are always going to be right at the centre of the screen.

I really like the fancy spotlight effect I managed to get, adds some atmosphere to the game. The lights flicker, and you get some interference on the screen, like in the old black and white movies.

Also, I updated the download to my first game, which you can get here:


Sadly, none of us are sound people, so we might have to look elsewhere for our sounds.

With love, from Deza & Ryuman


Cesque 13 years, 4 months ago

you need an account to download but its worth it. easily the best sound site ive found.

Just be careful not to be accused of ripping off MC, because it's where notch steals takes all of MC sound effects from without any acknowledgement under the CC license.

Rez 13 years, 4 months ago

Hm. Might need to look elsewhere for cattle sounds.

Deza 13 years, 4 months ago

@Alert Games Our game probably uses less resources than the equivalent in gamemaker.