So I made this tutorial thing that attempts to teach the basics of Recursion(if such a thing is possible).
You can grab it here: also started work on an andorid game, which you can grab would compile a desktop version, but I can't be asked at the moment.
Reminds me of functional programming class haha.
I would ask you about a desktop version because i dont know how to run apk files nor have an android device atm, but you cant be asked :FIf you really want to understand recursion, this explains pretty well.
It's really not worth your time, its half finished and ugly.
Steven, I hope you do realize that link no longer suggests "recursion".
Your google looks different.*looks at my own google*You disappoint me.Ah nvm, it doesn't work for >_>
Works for :)
My google has defualted to .com. Sucks for buying things.
Works on