assortment of music

Posted by ESA on April 29, 2009, 9:10 a.m.

Well, hi everyone. It's been a while, and I thought I would write a blog and front it this time.

I finished reading A Clockwork Orange recently, which I meant to do a while ago. I absolutely loved Kubrick's film adaptation - he's a true genius. Actually, it's what inspired me to do a little film school over the summer. I like photography. Photography, not digital photography. For me, there is a difference because photography with negative film is quite different (though they have their similarities). Little silver crystals change when exposed to light on the celluloid and you get them developed and enlarged and all that. Digital photography is a bit different because it's easier to touch up photos and to adjust anything from exposure settings to the focus (most of those dslrs have auto).

Anyway, ACO put a lot of importance on music.

SPOILER: Alex, the protagonist with the qualities of anti-hero gets conditioned with an experimental technique feel nauseous whenever he feels like having a bit of the old ultra-violence, or even sees it. As a side effect, he is unable to listen to music or enjoy other sources of pleasure.

"Music and the sexual act, literature and art, all must be a source now not of pleasure but pain."

I felt like preparing a bit of music, so below are some links. Each song is different, and each worth listening to whether you like it or not =)

Oh, and no rickrolling here ;)

most are quite famous, but click a link and surprise yourself

And in other news, F1ak3r and I are working something, and hopefully it will not be as ambitious as other games we've attempted, so it can be completed in a relatively short time =)

By the way, does anyone know what happened to serpyrex?


frenchcon1 15 years, 10 months ago


ESA 15 years, 10 months ago

That would explain a lot

F1ak3r 15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, we're gonna keep this small. Like they did with women's feet in ancient china.

Juju 15 years, 10 months ago

Cool music ESA =D

Polystyrene Man 15 years, 10 months ago

Guests can read whispers.

Polystyrene Man 15 years, 10 months ago

Also, RJD2.

sk8m8trix 15 years, 10 months ago

Guns Of Brixton! I love that song.

s 15 years, 10 months ago


So ya, what Plethicide said

SixWinged 15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, we're gonna keep this small. Like they did with women's feet in ancient china.
Totally lol'd.

ESA 15 years, 10 months ago

Also, RJD2.
Yeah, probably don't have to introduce him to you as you're quite cultured in music of all sorts =)

Guns Of Brixton! I love that song.
Can't get enough of that bassline! Also, it's interesting how the live versions vary from the studio one. Have any Clash-related suggestions? I know you're into that early british punk

oh, and serprex - we should IRC/MSN on all things parallax, if that's okay