Resources / Cage Matches.

Posted by Eternal on Oct. 1, 2006, 9:38 p.m.

Hey. How's it going?

I got the Referral Badge. Pretty kick-ass. I don't know who I referred, though.

I enrolled at the Game Programming University. I'm taking a course on Euphoria. (GPU)

I also might be teaching what you could call an Advanced GML course there. By that, I mean it will use registered GML Functions to make games entirely in the Creation Code of a room. This will be for Advanced GM Users, programmers looking into GM, and people who just don't like clicking a lot. Hopefully, I'll be able to start teaching this soon.

That leads me to the title. If I teach this class, I am gonna need people that could make sprites, animations, and small songs. This is because, to my knowledge, I need to provide students with resources. If you are interested, please post here. If you want details, I will post them as soon as my curriculum is finished. Then, I'll have to make sure I get the course approved. If I don't, I'll most likely hold a class somewhere other than GPU.

Also, with this whole Cage Match thing going on:

I posted in the recent news post, as well as in the Cage Match topic, this:


The Cage Match in itself has become a mockery, however. Ever since DToD made it.

Frankly, I wouldn't see a problem had you have gone:

"columnsX, a game by a 64Digits admin, featuring several 64Digits members, made it into the GMC Cagematch. You might want to check it out; Hopefully this will increase 64Digits popularity."

But, you told people to vote for your own game. People called you out on it. So, this time, you told them to play them both, then vote for your own.

And as for not truely being a Cage Match Winner, it shouldn't even be counted as a Cage Match Contestant. Chiken personally showed his game to the previous loser, who then accepted Chiken's game. Chiken then chose ColumnsX because it supported 64Digits, and he is in it.

As much as I dislike the GMC, and like cheating the system, I don't think any of the recent Cage Match's have counted for shit. This has been unfair to Mr. Chubigans, and now FredFredrickson. Hopefully, JakeX, when you are out of the Cage Match, you don't choose a game for it's creator.

This brings me to the point of this week's Cage Match. Many members are complaining, because Evolites is past the 10 week deadline. Look at the people making these claims. They are the same people that voted for ColumsnX because they are "Loyal to 64Digits." Isn't that just the kettle calling the pot black?

Frankly, I agree with what I am saying. I think it's bullshit what has happened in the last 3 Cage Matches. It's completely and utterly ridiculous. And whenever I point this out, I get biased comments from both sides, often similar to examples I use. So, frankly, if I point out the fact that the Cage Matches are more rigged than the 2004 election, don't go


Honestly, I don't give a rat's ass. If your vote wasn't biased, congratsulations. Go fuck a cow. If it was biased, you are just contributing to the pile of steaming horseshit that goes on behind the scenes at the Cage Matches. I pity everybody involved in the Cage Matches, nowadays.

Also, I just managed to salvage my iPod. I picked it up, and it was running Apple's OS, so I am replacing all the files with my backup.

So, that's my blog, I guess.



hobomonkeyc 18 years, 4 months ago

I dont vote for anybody i know

I just null my vote, unless its an obvious win

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 4 months ago

Heh, wow. You type a lot like Maddox(too much swearing). XD

Good point though.

melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago


You're right. A lot of those votes were probably biased… I'm just glad I know mine weren't.

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

Mastermind, you are a dumbshit. Just because I say fuck does not make me Maddox. You read to much Maddox. Get a fucking life.

fprefect111 18 years, 4 months ago

Your course thing sounds interesting… shame I can't do any of those things for crap.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 4 months ago

I mean you SWEAR a lot, not that you just say fuck and it makes you maddox.

This is what I mean:

Quote: maddox
Congratulations! You're mediocre.
Quote: eternal
congratsulations. Go fuck a cow

Quote: maddox
The next person who says "HEY MADDOX YOU KNOW WHAT GOP STANDS FOR? GRINCHES ON PARADE LOL" gets punched in the face.
Quote: eternal
So, frankly, if I point out the fact that the Cage Matches are more rigged than the 2004 election, don't go


Honestly, I don't give a rat's ass.
And I don't mean it in a bad way. Sides, I read maddox articles when 64D was down, not all the time.

t3mp3st 18 years, 4 months ago

I honestly can't recall a single instance I've voted in one, aside from an occasional 'null' to peek at the results. I'm honestly surprised it still exists, after the various scams. (Members registering accounts just to vote, etc.)

As far as referrals, I've gotten one of them also. A GMC member PM'd me thanking me for feedback, so I referred him here for something other than the usual crap replies that are given over there ^_~

Arcalyth 18 years, 4 months ago

Why is it that I always get quoted negatively? XD

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

I haven't seen you quoted at all, here.

Also, Mastermind, you are acting like Maddox owns sarcasm. Everyone knows Takagi trademarked it.

Arcalyth 18 years, 4 months ago

Quote: Blog
Quote: Me
I voted for ColumnsX AFTER PLAYING BOTH GAMES. I made sure that my vote was unbiased.