Irony and Updates

Posted by Ethelon on July 22, 2013, 2:31 p.m.

Hey 64D.

Again it seems I only remember to pop back around when I do something related to the good ol' days with Gamemaker (Played a full game of Project Scarlet last night).


Quick advertisement.

"I'm surprised you didn't mention Scarlet. Do you still play that?" - Kamira

As always, I must mention Scarlet.

If you're still interested in playing SnY / Project Scarlet, feel free to add me on Skype (Echyion), just make sure you let me know who you are. Summer is usually when we start arranging games again and reliving the glory days, and we had 7 players last night / this morning.



On the slight chance that you did read, or will probably read my previous post, life indeed kicked me in the ass, at least in the context of ambition (I wasn't shot or something extreme so I can't be too melodramatic here).

I didn't get into the college I wanted to. It's not just the education, but also the enormous amount of connections I have there. It wasn't a huge deal to me until I visited for my brother's graduation, and met all the people I'd met previously through random encounters (Half my LoL team), friends that attend, friends of friends that know me, friends of my brother.etc and damn it was bittersweet.

Long story short, I realized pretty quickly why I didn't get in. Maybe I can do a good enough job BSing my way to plenty of other colleges, but for a school like CMU, turning in 30m-1hr work and Freshman/Sophmore exercises won't cut it.

Like I somewhat implied before, when I finally screw up, the regret and potential usually kicks my rear in gear. Seeing what I could've had really rubbed salt in my wounds. Since that time I've been slowly fixing my work ethic. I mean transferring is still somewhat of an option, but I need to actually earn it. So this summer will be and has been spent on creating a portfolio that accurately reflects my interests and potential, whether I decide to try to transfer or not.

So here's to a not half-assed ambition.

I'll be attending UCSD in the fall.



Oh, and on the topic of ambition, I found this hilarious. Let's go back ~6 years and re-experience why a 12 year old has problems on the internet.


I'm gonna quote that for years.


JuurianChi 11 years, 7 months ago



Welcome back.

the glory days were a farce.

Kamira 11 years, 7 months ago

"I'm surprised you didn't mention Scarlet. Do you still play that?" - Kamira
1st reaction: Whoa, I'm in a blog!

2nd reaction: Wait, usertag… Though that does sound like something I'd say.

*logs out*

3rd reaction: Wait, what?

Also there's nothing wrong with going to a school that you don't have many connections with. None of my highschool (or other) friends went to Baylor, so it was a completely fresh start and I really enjoyed that.

Ethelon 11 years, 7 months ago

I know there's nothing wrong with it, and I do know a few people at UCSD, but the experience would be just that much more interesting. In a way it would also still feel fresh to me, just because many of the connections were made after a big period of learning and were mainly solidified when I visited, compared to other highschool relationships that were kind of stuck there because of habit and going to a small school.

That's why I haven't completely decided on going for a transfer yet though because I don't know who I'll meet at UCSD.

The other factor is just that I'm doing an interdisciplinary art/computer (programming) program at UCSD that I chose because at the time I was too scared to go straight for art. Tbh I could probably learning programming on the side myself if I wanted that experience, but again, we'll see.

And yeah, I was reading through my old blog posts and found a comment of yours (6 months ago). Funny enough, I already wrote about SnY before I stuck that quote in.

Ethelon 11 years, 7 months ago

Mush goes to UCSD eh?

I just stalked him on your recommendation, and found this:

Well there's my major for you.

Guess I better hunt down this Mush guy.

Oh, and I dug around and found this:


Damn. It's been awhile.

Mush 11 years, 7 months ago

Wait, are you trying to transfer out of UCSD?

KaBob799 11 years, 7 months ago

Good thing you added me on Skype because I want to play SnY =D

Ethelon 11 years, 7 months ago

Well I haven't decided on transferring out yet. I'm just working on a portfolio that I'll be able to use in case I do end up deciding to go straight for art. If I decide to stay then I'll still have the practice and work ethic.

Also in response to your message, I've always had CS in the back of my mind. Still not sure though. The idea is that I'll probably go for art somewhere else, or CS.