This old dude

Posted by Eva unit-01 on Oct. 27, 2010, 5:06 p.m.

So I don't have anything to offer for Halloween except this. Lol. It's an old ass farm dude in the spirit of things. I'm polypainting this later so it makes sense…like 3-4 hours in Zbrush, but it was so fun.

Character sheet here.

In other news, I'm broke now…cause I spent it on donuts and candy. And I have like a dollar left that I'm about to blow on popcorn…why does money just flow through my pockets like water!?

Character sheet here.


Cesar 14 years, 3 months ago

Jesus fucking christ


Glen 14 years, 3 months ago

Wow. Very nice!

JID 14 years, 3 months ago

You are really good. Good shit.

mazimadu 14 years, 3 months ago

I don't know. It's not bad, but I'm not sure of its the lower resolution or the way it was rendered(ie wavy lines under neck). I don't like it.

Eva unit-01 14 years, 3 months ago

@RawrSpoon: Lool, thanks man. Appreciate it.

@Glen: Thanku.

@JID: Thanks. Trying out some new skills here.

@Mazimadu: Yea I see what you mean, I don't like it either. It's mostly because of the material I used to show off the details. So it also caught some unwanted ones in the process.

Unaligned 14 years, 3 months ago

Wow. Awesome level of detail.

Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago

I don't care what Maximadu says - I think pixels are sexy, and that what you rendered there is awesome.

He's just drunk on flash and vector animations. :P

Juju 14 years, 3 months ago

Could do with some definition on those buckles but otherwise very nice.

Eva unit-01 14 years, 3 months ago

@Sinistrade: I have a fetish for detail I think, I just can't help it xD thnx.

@RamboFox: Lol, I hate vector animations…or making them atleast, maybe I'm just drunk on pixel.

@Juju: Yea. The buckles were made super quick without much thought. And thankyou.

I finished the polypaint yesterday. So that's there too lol.