For the greater good.

Posted by Eva unit-01 on Dec. 7, 2010, 11:03 p.m.

The Tau must prosper…

lawl naw. Anyway.

Guys! I've been gone, remember when I said I was running off a weak wifi signal that none of you remember? yea that blew up. But I found it again for a bit.

In the meantime I've been working on that project I mentioned in my last blog, and it's almost done…whoa

This will be my first finished game! :DD

Yo so…since I'm happy, I'll let you guys test out a demo/beta version. If anyone does…if not, oh well, better luck next project? Nobody but Ferret tried my last one xD

It's hard…but I think it's pretty fun.

I'm still tweaking the wave difficulties so it's actually beatable, and adding bells and whistles. After that, I make more textures. And throw in more levels, and release the full version. Which I will then continue to fix any bugs.

Right now, it should be bugless really…

Here's this.

Beta Game

*any directions, anything you need to know….it's in the Help section, which is complete*

**One more thing….there is sadly no sound yet. I'm still figuring out how to deal with the sound design…I may just blast electronic music over everything with a few explosion efx's here and there**


Moikle 14 years, 2 months ago

cool, you could add some sound and flashy effects though, maybe some screen shake? alos, when a turret dies, and you try to move to it, it still becomes blurry for a second while the view stays still

im not getting any lag.

Eva unit-01 14 years, 2 months ago

There is a bit of screenshake but not much, and I'm still putting in effects atm. And as for the blurry thing with switching to the same turret, or one that's already destroyed. I'll get to that in time, it's simple little things.

And thank goodness, because the Delta timing thing didn't work too good with my game, it made stuff super fast due to the lag I get…basically people with good CPU's will not get much lag at all….

Thanks Moik.

JID 14 years, 2 months ago

@Eva unit-01

Lol, wat?

You must have done something wrong.

Eva unit-01 14 years, 2 months ago

Nah…It worked as it should for enemies, but it gave them a jitteriness I didn't like at low FPSs. And in the bullets it sent them zooming too fast to hit anything. And with the turrets, it made them seizure so bad it was unplayable. In short, I just can't use it with this particular game, but I'll definitely keep it in mind for future projects.

adamskii97 14 years, 2 months ago

I like it but the fade in/fade out transitions take a little too long for me but yeah, some sounds would be good. Im not getting any lag either ^.^

Eva unit-01 14 years, 2 months ago

Ohh, the fades…yea I'll make those shorter, particularly the intro one which I purposely made to take forever to fade…I'm in the middle of making sounds, it's going to boost the overall filesize like…20mb >_> I'll try to keep it light on music.

Also threw away that Data.sur file thing for an ini file instead so it'll be more organized.

And also glad you're not getting any lag…3 to 1 JID! lol.