Certified Dumb *artistic nudity*

Posted by Eva unit-01 on April 27, 2013, 5:26 p.m.

I've been doing a lot of practices and stuff since yesterday. My Ex got me this for my birthday.

As some of you may or may not know– I fucking -LOVE- Spawn and Todd McFarlane's works. He was a big early influence on me as a kid, and this dvd set helped me gain back that motivational boost I needed after I watched an interview on the bonus disc. It just all made so much sense.

It also helps because I'm working on a short comic pretty soon. So here are a bunch of random drawings from reference.


About the blog title? That's just how I've been feeling lately. I feel like I've taken a hit of something bad and I'm now stuck where I stand, and the only thing left to do is wait things out until they get better– but in the meantime, I have my art.

ANYWAY. Till next time.

EDIT: New studies/sketches/whatever

Can anyone tell me who these strangers are?


Charlie Carlo 11 years, 10 months ago

Nice hands, I dig the pointy-corners look. What shall your comic be about, if you don't mind me asking?

Juju 11 years, 10 months ago

(Artistic nudity is fine in my book.)

Eva unit-01 11 years, 10 months ago

Telling the story of a soldier with a conscious and a heart who finds himself going to war for what he thinks are the right reasons. He finds out soon that what he had heard was a lie twisted by the media and it's all one big conquest.

The US, Canada, and Mexico have since combined into one massive state known as 'The Great United', and the government has turned over to a totalitarian martial law system.

Soldiers are considered actual property, and are all implanted with a 'code' in their wrists which holds numerous variables from everything down to their blood-type for quick digital referencing and archiving of units. Soldiers suffering from mental disabilities such as PTSD, or are physically weakened, or show any other signs of weakness or uselessness are simply put on a death-row kind of system where they are held in concentration camp-ish areas on military bases and fed very little leading up to their death.

There is another option where soldiers can -choose- to be re-educated, or the military sees enough potential in them to make them useful again, and does so forcefully. Re-educating a unit is basically a lobotomy, and they are made into 'machines' so to speak, only meant to carry out orders and be killing machines. Soldiers that choose to be re-educated themselves are given better hospitality than those slated to be executed.

The main character kills his own squad, brutally, after he sees what they were actually meant to be doing. He is caught and placed in military hold with others who share his cell and is tortured daily. This is where the story kicks off, and that's all I'll bring up for now.

Oh, it does take place in a dystopian future though.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 10 months ago

I think most people read fiction to escape the terrifying reality of the present/future. That reality seems less depressing than your fiction, which isn't a good sign.

(Artistic nudity is fine in my book.)

Any kind of nudity is fine in my book.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 10 months ago

Haha, yea I kinda want this to be dark, dark, and depressing. If this was 4 years ago though, I'd most definitely say 'the story is about a guy with big guns who does big things and makes big explosions'. I wanna see if I can make anyone -feel- with this story if I can. I'm not a BAD writer, but when it comes to stories, ehhh… let's just say art is my main focus.

Anybody else wanna chip in on something about it while it's still on the drawing board, I'm down for that.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 10 months ago

That is so poorly drawn. It looks like a dude with dreads and a soul patch who is really surprised.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 10 months ago

Cannot not see after above comment.

Visor 11 years, 10 months ago

Excellent drawings. I wish I could sketch like this =(

panzercretin 11 years, 10 months ago

Fucking brilliant sketches, man. Can't wait to see that all fleshed out into a full-blown comic.

Astryl 11 years, 10 months ago

Impeccable art… Can't fault it, because I can't draw nearly as well. :P