I'm a 8yr Asian Girl

Posted by Evilish on Oct. 12, 2006, 12:57 a.m.

Geargod confuses me

In further news, The primary parts of my new TBS Core have been finished, with just a few more bugs needing to be fixed before I release it fully.

TBS Core

Few errors in this of course, one is that the AI doesn't correctly use blank tiles(tiles without any terrain) for pathfinding, and that theres no end game thing(thinking of having a sort of handle things… you tell it what script to execute after the game ends.

I'm only releasing this in my blog for now… mainly because I'm gonna edit this a lot again before releasing it…

And don't find it weird that I named two girls 'Biggs' and 'Wedge'… because that means your a four legged orange communist penguin, and I need a name for the game…

Also, as for softbody physics… there coming along sorta well… no lag so far


sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

asian girls are hot *looks at geargod*

GearGOD 18 years, 4 months ago

Just been busy modding Dark Hive to NOT use Luminare… yeah… seeing as how Luminare doesn't work for me… surfaces don't and stuff…
There's a bug in the uploaded luminaire which makes it go nuts on multiple room hops. All it takes to fix it is open l_controller and copy what's in game end event into room end.

heh, GearGOD rocks so hard, he became an 8 year old asian girl… we all know how much little asian girls rock. He was raised to that level.
Yep, that pretty much sums up the laws of this universe.