The Yoyogames Competition

Posted by Excalibur333 on May 5, 2008, 9:18 a.m.

Yesterday I finished my game for the 2nd yoyogames competition and so far I'm not to pleased with the way the competition is working out. There must be lots of "Hate raters" because most of the competition games are under 4.0. It is sad to see because there are some really great games!

I know the staff at Yoyogames tried to prevent this by only letting people who are not entering rate but they can't control how many accounts people have.

If you havn't seen any of the competition games go here. I suggest playing Robbie Swifthand first it is a really great game. You can check out mine to if you want.


Castypher 16 years, 9 months ago

This is why YYG staff should be the only ones to decide which game wins, not the rest of the damn members who are biased towards their own game.

ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

YYG has one of the shittiest communities. End of story. I don't plan on uploading any of my games on to that site. The community is just plain awful.

YYG staff is pretty much useless as well. Sure, they have a good prize, but what's the point of entering if your game is going to get down-rated by a bunch of douches?

A friend of mine from this site, F1ak3r, spent a long time making a game for this comp. I helped with the graphics, and after many dev-logs and hard work, he uploaded it. I checked today, and it is now rated 2.2/6 by 4 people, and has only been played twice. To down-rate other peoples' hard work without reason is just criminal. Fuck you, YYG. You can suck my fucking Yoyo-balls.

Oh, sorry for being so vulgar. It just makes me pissed. I'll try out your game now. You should upload it here, too. There are some helpful members here like serprex, for example, who are full of constructive critism.

ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

Oh, and welcome to 64digits! I'm downloading your game right now, the screens look amazing.

Excalibur333 16 years, 9 months ago

I guess we can't be to hard on them because this is only their 2nd competition and they will still be figuring things out but the site has been up for over a year and they are still trying to get thier act together.

Yoyogames has some good things going for it but their are lots of flaws still.

edmunn 16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, YYG isn't the best community in the world.

Smaller place like this are great, but the GMC ain't bad either!

JW 16 years, 9 months ago

I agree about the assyness of this. It's nasty how things that are high in the compo just get rated low…

Check out my entry btw: Super Ninja Hunter. :)

F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

ESA already mentioned the fate of my entry. Just to add to that, the 4 ratings happened BEFORE the 2 plays. And, oddly enough, one of the ratings was a 6.

sirxemic 16 years, 9 months ago

Quote: ESA
You can suck my fucking Yoyo-balls.

Too bad being an ass of a downrater isn't a reason to be banned D=

ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

So, they still can suck them :D

Mat 16 years, 9 months ago

Ancient War was your game! Wow, im your number one fan.