The Yoyogames Competition

Posted by Excalibur333 on May 5, 2008, 9:18 a.m.

Yesterday I finished my game for the 2nd yoyogames competition and so far I'm not to pleased with the way the competition is working out. There must be lots of "Hate raters" because most of the competition games are under 4.0. It is sad to see because there are some really great games!

I know the staff at Yoyogames tried to prevent this by only letting people who are not entering rate but they can't control how many accounts people have.

If you havn't seen any of the competition games go here. I suggest playing Robbie Swifthand first it is a really great game. You can check out mine to if you want.


MrUlukai 16 years, 8 months ago

The first rating my game got was a 1 start hahaha I wuz like Wow… So much for winning the competition. I'm keeping my hopes up though, hopefully they'll base the winner less on the rating and more on the actual rules to the competition. Yup.

Excalibur333 16 years, 8 months ago

Mat-Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy it.

MrUlukai-What was your game I'll try it?

Juju 16 years, 8 months ago

High ratings on Yoyo depend on gimmicks rather than actual gameplay or programming finese.

MrUlukai 16 years, 8 months ago

Its called Dynasty, its at Ive played yours a couple times, im getting better at it, just wish there wuz a tutorial. Im going to leave a comment on it sooner or later.