She let me down.

Posted by Extravisual on May 9, 2008, 10:15 p.m.

Oh, Ronnica, my dearest, thou hath let me down. I feel not shall I recover in the years that cometh, leave still the months that cometh. I mourn for the loss of thou, as thou were so dearest to me. I love thee, and still, I love thee, and forever shalt I love thee, until I feel the cold grip of Death. You hath disowned me, my tears are pouring unto my fingers as I type this. I may only stray a hope that you also feel this loss, this terrible sadness that I now face. Part of me wishes you would take me back, but another part of me realizes the truth: I am not good enough for you. I am but a poor, socially awkward, nerd. There is no place for the likes of me in the heart of one so amazing, so perfect, as you, Ronnica, my love. Why must you have given me up? Why have you let me down? Why have you ran around and deserted me? Why did you make me cry? Why did you say goodbye? Why did you tell that lie and hurt me?

During the text which pains my mind to recall, I told you that had it not been for you, I would have ended it right here and now. I now long to end it all terribly. I long to swallow all the pills which are in arms reach, and I have daily thought about it, willing myself to go through with it, but the end is too good for me. I deserve to live in this state of ultimate torture, as I have done something to let you down. I will thrice daily break the fragile bonds of my skin and soak the gently bleeding surface in pure alcohol, as a way to show that I am truly sorry for hurting you, my love, Ronnica.

Oh, Ronnica. My time without you will be spent with lonely nights thinking of you. I will imagine being with you, although I never truly shared any physical presence with you, I feel that there was a strong mental and emotional bond between us, that you had violently severed when you decided to punish me for my sins. A punishment which I duly deserved. I truly, truly, hate myself for doing anything to displease you.

Please forgive me, my love. I shall miss you ever so much. You cannot imagine the pain I will go through, or how much I will miss you, for the rest of my life.


Please please please forgive me. I still love you. Ronnica.

Extremely redepressed,

-Sigmund "Halibutski" Freud


eagly 16 years, 9 months ago

-Sigmund "Halibutski" Freud
We can all wish, can't we? ;]

Cesque 16 years, 9 months ago

I guess I would laugh if I weren't so nerdy as to notice all the Early Middle English mistakes - "cometh" is singular only, "for thou" should be "for thee", etc ;)

sirxemic 16 years, 9 months ago

to notice all the Early Middle English mistakes

Ronnica 16 years, 9 months ago




…I mean, awww.

Extravisual 16 years, 9 months ago

I think that if anybody actually read my previous blogs, this would make a whole lot more sense.

Cesque: I don't know old English, I thought that thee was for the direct object and thou was for the subject. I don't know the ones for the other parts. I'll be sure to look it up next time I write in old English.

ludamad 16 years, 9 months ago

That isn't Old English hali. That's early modern English.

eagly 16 years, 9 months ago

No, I think it's old early old early old modern old English.

Cesque 16 years, 9 months ago

Cesque: I don't know old English, I thought that thee was for the direct object and thou was for the subject. I don't know the ones for the other parts. I'll be sure to look it up next time I write in old English.

Yep, but like in modern English pronouns, "thou" takes the direct object form after prepositions ("for thee", like "for us" etc.) Also, the "-th" ending in verbs was a regular equivalent of modern English "-s" and was only used for 3rd person singular.

And yes, it's early Modern English (pardon for saying "Middle" previously - that's wrong ;)). Old English would look like THAT.
