Evolution - EDIT: The beginning of the universe.

Posted by Extravisual on June 16, 2006, 11:12 a.m.

It happened. 'nuff said….

Not enough said at all…

People seem to find the concept of evolution hard to believe, so I'll explain it to make it make sense… [theory]If genetics exist then there is no alternatives for evolution.[/theory] (Yes that was my theory, but that doesn't mean that evolution is…) Okay, here is a brief rundown of how this all works:

Woman has baby

Baby has a genetic defect in its leg.

Baby dies because it can't move.

Babies genes are not passed on in the genetic line.

Next scenario

Woman has baby

Baby has a genetic defect making it slightly stronger than others of its species.

Baby grows up healthy because of being able to provide for itself. (baby is now man)

Man has more babies, each one of them has a 50/50 chance of having the same genetic defect.

Each of the babies with the genetic defect have a higher chance of surviving than the ones without, therefore have a higher chance of continuing the genetic line….

Those were two examples of a specific part of evolution called natural selection.

Unless you can prove genetics false, and prove that a cripple fighting a bear has the same chance of winning as a normal person, evolution will exist in my opinion.


Well as many refuse to be persuaded in favor of evolution, I am not going to push the subject, as I have said before, I am not out to run the world. So now I've decided to edit this and post my personal theory about the beginning of the universe, well, at least whats in it.

PART 1: The Only Part.

It starts with the big bang… I know what many of you are thinking, 'the big bang is bogus…' Well, I don't believe in any supernatural force so this is the best theory I've heard.

So there was this massive ball of a ma terial I think of as a giant atom, it was just pure electron, proton, and neutron… But because this giant atom was so fricken huge, its nuclear membrane couldn't hold it together… so boom a massive explosion sending an uncountable number of sub-atomic particles whizzing in all directions, radiation that would have disintegrated anything in its way… because of the magnetism of these loose sub-atomic particles, they started clumping together to form atoms, these atoms, gravity started pulling on each other, making them start to revolve around each other, forming nebula throughout the universe. These nebula, having huge amounts of gravity themselves started pulling them toward one another, forming many groups of what are now the center of galaxies. These nebula, using what particles they have, started forming stars by gravity compacting tons of Hydrogen until under the pressure, the Hydrogen ignited in a force that created fusion. These stars, having a great deal more gravity than nebula, pulled themselves together to form a globular cluster, then a black hole. (I have no idea how the nebula escaped the power of the black hole…) The nebula continued producing stars, and the black hole kept sucking them in until the black hole started filling up and couldn't keep up with the gravity that the universe full of other black holes produces, so the stars escaped the clutches of the black hole and started very slowly drifting into space. Some of these stars burnt out, either forming nebula, black holes, or a large mass of unused atoms. These atoms, drawn by the force of gravity, started drifting towards the stars, forming planets, comets, asteroids, etc… As our sun is quite an old one, this is about the time our solar system was made. Most of these planets were gaseous, but a few were solid, made of Iron, Carbon, etc… And a few of these planets formed atmospheres, because they were close enough to the sun to get heat, but far enough from the sun to not burn up from ultraviolet radiation. So the galaxies are about finished being created by now, so with atoms colliding at random places in the galaxy, happening every few seconds…. The probability for these atoms colliding to make life is probably 1 in 8000000000000, but this probability is run every few seconds, for 8 billion years, that problability could be hit a few hundred times… Now on this little planet, we now call Earth these random occurrences happened, and formed a single celled organism, which for some reason reproduced, and evolution began. A few million years later, the dinosaurs walked the earth. But then a really big asteroid from mars hit, forming the pacific ocean, and blocking out the sun with the sediment that was blown around. With the sun being out, the plants slowly died, killing out all the herbivores, and forcing the carnivores to eat themselves out. now that there is very little life left, a few little cells crawled out of that asteroid, and evolution started all over again, forming what we have today. Note that this process did not work over night, it took trillions of years.


Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

If you need more evidence, check out FredFredricksons evolites, or Genetic Pool (I don't know who made it) Their on the GMC…

firestormx 18 years, 8 months ago

Now we just gotta develop a baby with wings and gills, and we'll be able to start this whole evolution thing again.

Wait, no, not from the "exact" begining…Something would have to happen to create us…

Okay, here's what we'll do. I'll go light a fire cracker, and hope that one of the resulting sparks has a genetic fault, causing it to be able to have concious thought…Maybe if I do enough of these experiments, I'll be able to make a spark that can actually reproduce itself. =D

I'm not being sarcastic towards you and what you think…That's just what I'd say to anyone, so it's not personal, or made me think any less of you, etc.

Edit: Also, I don't think using technological methods to prove something about nature is a very convincing argument.

You could argue "look at this toy car, and look at this real car with an engine inside. If you need proof that this car can move without any force of my hand, watch me in this car with an engine."

Rez 18 years, 8 months ago

I really don't think one blog from a random 64D member will make someone a 'believer'. Thats like me saying "jesus is real damnit! Now believe me." [:O]

Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

fsx: Thats irrelevent… You have to relize that minor genetic defects do happen, and that these genetic defects are passed down the genetic line. Sparks don't have genes, therefor won't have genetic faults….

Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

3: it is similar, other than the fact that I gave proof, which is more than anybody who has preached to me has. I used simple things, if you use logic on my scenario's, you will find them to be very believable. If you have one thing that I got wrong, please disclose.

2: Biological and technological are two different things.

KaBob799 18 years, 8 months ago

I believe in evolution, because how else would it happen.

If you say it goes against your religion then think about this, any being powerful enough to be a god could easily create evolution. Everything else has an answer, why would one thing out of millions just happen with no explanation as to how it happened.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 8 months ago

I believe that the earth was once mostly sea (it was) and that bacteria was the earliest form of life. It later progressed useing natural selection to get where we are today

Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

#6 & #7: Thank you.

elmernite 18 years, 8 months ago

Ok that examples fine, except……

Thats in humans. We still have Legs, Arms, Head.

With evolution your talking about intire changes.

From gills, wings, legs. Everything has to change. Thats where natural selection works against evolution.

Here's a setting.

Fish has baby.

Baby has a genetic defect to grow some leg/fin thing

Baby can't swim well.

Baby dies.

Unless, you want to say the he was born with perfectly working legs from his genetic defect. Which would also mean he needs perfectly working lungs since he would never be able to swim as well as the others. So he would need to get out of the water. (or be killed)

Plus, there's always the lack of evolutionary fossils found.


workman161 18 years, 8 months ago

<p>As we can see here, <b>firestormx</b> is exibiting generic fundie behavior. He gets in his head that evolution applies to everything in the damn universe, and that evolution happens at random, causing humans to grow wings and fish to speak. Evolution only happens to DNA. Back at the primordial soup, all that was around was the building blocks of DNA. Through some force (most likely a side effect of this universe [See the string theory for more details]) the DNA was able to form a membrane around it. Lo and behold, the first cell was born. DNA's chemical properties encourage it to replicate itself, and the proteins that form from it encourage the cytokinesis. Not a single damn person in the world understands why this happens. It could very well be that god is doing it (but that raises other questions, considering the sheer number of cells in the universe.) But at some point during the cell's life, a genetic defect happens (radiation knocking loose a nucleotide, transposing the alleles, etc). In most cases, the cell lives albeit slightly differently than its parent. A few hundred years later, we find that the genetic 'defect' has now become the norm for a certain population of cells. This process repeats for several thousand years. Suddenly we have 2 groups of cells (species, if you will) that behave differently. Evolution isn't an overnight thing. During those thousands of years, there were more genetic defects than what we see compared to that original cell. What happened? Natural selection. Perhaps the defect caused the cell to die. Perhaps it created a growth defect, such as the lack of mitochondria (its only an example). We don't know. But they didn't survive and what did survive is what works in the world. That my friends, is evolution. Evolution isn't something you can achieve in a few days in your backyard. Evolution occurs at the species not the individual.</p>