[F13] 64Digits Story Part 3

Posted by F1ak3r on June 11, 2008, 10:08 a.m.

I'm sitting on my bed, with my black cat next to me, my cellphone in my hands, Dire Straits's "Southbound Again" playing, and a steaming mug of coffee on my desk. Time to write another installation of everyone's favourite 64Digits story-in-a-number-of-parts-and-written-by-F1ak3r (the ONLY one, but that's besides the point).

Our hero raised his voice in protest, but was interrupted by the knight's menacing glare. He may not have wanted to become anyone's slave, but he certainly didn't want to get on the wrong side of that knight.

With the race's formal announcement, everyone around started scrambling to set things up. Chairs were rolled out, stalls were set up, the race track was marked out, and many other things happened. Having nothing better to do, our hero decided to take a walk around, and to see what everyone was doing.

The first interesting sight he came across was two guys with a perfectly crafted circle mounted on the front of a conventional stand. There was a sign mounted on it that had something to do with tunnels and happiness written on it. Our hero couldn't make out the exact words, as they were written in a very strange font.

The two people manning the stall were normal-looking at first glance, but, on closer inspection, had odd looks about them. The first was very tall, with a pale white face, and the Roman numeral III printed across his shirt. The second was not so odd in the way he looked, as in the way he acted. He did everything: talking, walking, even breathing… backwards! It was rather funny to watch.

When he grew tired of the happy tunnel guys, our hero moved on to where the grandstands were being set up. He saw that, in addition to stands, other things were also being set up.

The first example of this he came across was a red-coloured child's playpen, filled with broken crayons and tearstained blankets. He presumed that whoever usually occupied this playpen had a rather nasty temper.

The second example was a scorched-up, diplidated old grandstand that had to be set up with great care so that it wouldn't fall apart. Our hero couldn't discern what kind of person this belonged to, but surmised that it must have changed hands a lot, as evidenced by the amount of scratched out names on its "This grandstand is property of:" label.

As our hero passed around the area where the race was to happen, he realized just how strange and depraved many of Sausagefest's regular customers were. On his walk he saw a malformed chicken with a Rubix cube, a man holding about three pineapples, a giant potato that bore a resemblance to a human toe, a guy with pink hair, a Polish man, a giant suicide pill, and many other strange people and things.

He had just reached the happy tunnel stand, where the drunkard that he saw earlier was complaining about deceptive advertising to the backwards-guy, when a trumpet was heard, and everyone started rushing towards the grandstands. The race had begun.


I hope that at least some of THIS part's references are hard to get, but if not, meh. This isn't a guessing game, after all.


EDIT: Nearly forgot, it's Chuluka's birthday today. Woo!


beam 16 years, 8 months ago

here i rewrote it, its better now

I'm sitting on to be set up.

The first example of Sausagefest's regular customers were. On his walk he grew tired of this belonged to, but surmised that whoever usually occupied this belonged to, but was two guys with my hands, Dire Straits's "Southbound Again" playing, and a pale white face, and everyone started rushing towards the point).

Our hero raised his voice in protest, but he certainly didn't want to see what kind of coffee on closer inspection, had odd looks about deceptive advertising to me, my hands, Dire Straits's "Southbound Again" playing, and a scorched-up, diplidated old grandstand is property of:" label.

As our hero raised his voice in protest, but was a very strange font.

The first interesting sight he saw a very strange font.

The race had odd looks about them. The second was marked out, stalls were also being set up. He did everything: talking, walking, even breathing… backwards! It was heard, and tearstained blankets. He did everything: talking, walking, even breathing… backwards! It was very tall, with a perfectly crafted circle mounted on closer inspection, had just reached the backwards-guy, when a human toe, a steaming mug of that he acted. He may not so that had begun.

I'm sitting on closer inspection, had odd in the wrong side of Sausagefest's regular customers were. On his walk around, and many of that whoever usually occupied this he grew tired of that had just reached the front of coffee on to stands, other things up. Chairs were rolled out, and a perfectly crafted circle mounted on my hands, Dire Straits's "Southbound Again" playing, and many other things up. He presumed that bore a perfectly crafted circle mounted on my hands, Dire Straits's "Southbound Again" playing, and happiness written on the happy tunnel guys.

F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

Wow, that's literary gold beam! You should become an author.

ESA 16 years, 8 months ago

a Polish man
I'm sure this guy is a pretty awesome character.

F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

That he is.

ESA 16 years, 8 months ago


F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

Everybody wish my pal Chuluka a happy birthday!

Theodore III 16 years, 8 months ago

Happy Birthday Chuluka.

Yay I like my reference. I am assuming that the guy with me is ruhtrA? Is that true?

Xxypher 16 years, 8 months ago


F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

@Theodore III: Yep, he is.

@Xxypher: MINE R BETTER THAN URS!!!111!!! :D.

Theodore III 16 years, 8 months ago
