^Almost 11111 cups of coffee, woo!
Alternate Path was the Freeware Game Pick on IndieGames.com on the 26thI'm pretty excited about it. To be honest, I really wasn't sure about how the game would be received. I didn't know how other people would find the puzzles, and I still feel it was too short, and let down by the useless boss fight.However, people love it. Apart from a few exceptions, everyone's lauding the thing with praise. It just goes to show, do something a little different, and you should get interest. Or the exact opposite. But meh.Seeing as this is my most loved and recognized game (all this, and it hasn't even been out for a week!) I'm definitely making some sort of sequel in the future. I won't call it Alternate Path 2 though, because sequel numbers are cliché, and Alternate Path is supposed to not be cliché.That's all from me for now, I'm posting a 5-page weekly weblog tomorrow.F1ak3rPS: Bryan and serprex: Yes, tomorrow's blog will contain AYUSSHMUP content. Quite a bit, actually.
Sweet, I'm your 11111th cup. :D
Congratulations! I'm really happy it got picked, the game is deserving of it
@hel: And you were very tasty. =D
@ESA: Thanks. ^_^That's brilliant, well done ^_^
Is alternate path two going to be longer and not have pointless questions ("what do you need?")?
Yes. Most definitely. I've learnt from my mistakes.
Quite odd how the hackiest of works get the greatest attention
@SixWinged: Thanks.
@serprex: I know, it's messed up. I'm guessing it's because of the popularity of weird puzzle platformers these days (Karoshi, Psychosomnium, etc…)