Starts in ~19 hours. Who all's participating? Seeing as I'm actually free this weekend (my year-end leave starts on Sat) I'm going to give it a shot, unless the theme totally sucks (but most of the contenders look reasonably interesting, so I don't think that'll be the case).
One room.
Not my vote, but not terrible. Just bad. I guess we will really have to think inside the box for this one.One room… first we got Trump, then this. Never trust democracy.
Maybe I'll make a game where a giant tentacle monsters fights democracy… IN ON F**KING ROOM!They chose the literal most overplayed, previously used, most boring theme. I just…
Ten minutes later:
Very uninspiring theme, I'll just go play Overwatch and finish TLMD and skip Ludum Dare… again.*looks through the dirty, web-covered Zuurix HQ window into colourless day of December*
"Could be, that somewhere there are people, who have a luxury of doing jams."*rubs window glass to create terrible, annoying noise* "Damn, I just wasted 2 minutes thinking about that… I should get back to making non-linear eight-part mission boss that changes based on in what order player completes eight parts of the mission. If I will work 8 hours today, I might be able to release update in the evening."The theme made me lose all interest in doing this LD. Maybe next time. Back to web development shenanigans and Diablo 3!
Surprisingly enough, I managed to submit something this time.
I played your game (on Linux, because some people know how to w(h)ine!) and I truly enjoyed the graphics (because watching a software rendered 3D is like watching porn, but don't ask why). The gameplay… well, I'm pretty sure the game would be better if it was an erotic point-'n'-click adventure game taking place in 1940's Germany. I sure enjoy my mushroomsEDIT: I also love your source code (which was much more interesting than the game itself), especially things like this: