{F} Wow queue. Wow.

Posted by Fabio on Dec. 14, 2007, 10:07 p.m.

Wow. The queue has not moved a freaking inch in forever, so I'll release the game here.


Body is an exploration game I started work on. There isn't much right now, but the basic idea is that you are sent into a terminally sick humans body. Your job is to try and rid the person's body of the virus.






Version: .1

Size: 942 KB

Download from 64Digits:



The controls are also in the ReadMe file.

W: Jump

A: Move left

D: Move right

Enter: Select/move on

Backspace: Save and quit/go back

Support Body:

Support the game by putting these into your signature!




DesertFox 17 years, 2 months ago

sp: [[blk]col=?]text[/[blk]col]

Fabio 17 years, 2 months ago

I just copy/pasted from the GMC topic. :p

Balding Chimp 17 years, 2 months ago

Wow…sounds like Imagic Microsurgeon for the Intellivision. Will check out tommorow…bedtime now. Sorry. =( Yeah, I know the Queue system has been moving slow. I submited my game, and it was sitting in the number one slot for almost a week. Now hardly anybody has downloaded it anyway. LOL! Ah well.

Would be cool to finaly see another "Fantastic Voyage" style game out there.

beam 17 years, 2 months ago

looks cool, i like the graphics, and the floaty controls are a nice touch

is the demo only supposed to be a single room? because i can't jump up to the way i came, and i can't go left or right. when i go right i get an arrow, but i'm blocked by an invisible wall

no good :(

keep doing though man, i like it

stampede 17 years, 2 months ago

beam: When there's that arrow in top-right corner, press Enter :)

beam 17 years, 2 months ago

well thats silly

Nathan 17 years, 2 months ago

I agree the having to press enter thing is very silly. Also when you go to a room from the left, and in the next room their is a wall on the right, it doesn't really make much sense. The game is alright, but doesn't really feel, connected, like a exploration game, just feels like lots of single levels, to me at least.

beam 17 years, 2 months ago

maybe the linked-single-levels idea isn't too terrible

it just needs to be smoother

also your character is a capital a, it amuses me to no end

Fabio 17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, many people have complained about the transitions, and they will be worked on. Anyway, I'm ALREADY almost ready for an update. The new update will include:

-File statistics

-Multi screenshots

-Entirely new area

-New enemy/boss

If anyone would like to make any music/sound effects, that'd be nice. Full credit would be given. Anyway, once this gets passed the queue I'll update it with that version. In the next, I'll work on the transitions.