Last Friday was my last day of spring semester, and tomorrow (or today by server standards) I start my summer semester. Thankfully I'm done taking classes 7 in the morning with a 40 minute drive. Sadly my work decided that it would be great for me to start work at 7:30 now, so I get to sleep in an extra 30 minutes. Yay.
I love the activity feed. It's a little overwhelming when you first log on, but then after I comment on a few things, I love seeing a blog go bold. What I don't like about it though, is the fact that I have to scroll down to view who is online, I like to see names and go :D at them. It's a very small list with small names so I don't see why it couldn't go above the activity feed.I'm making a game now. This is where you probably stop reading. Just in case you are still reading, the game is going to be called "Legendary Hobo" and it's a fast paced platformer/shooter. You can jump, shoot left, right, up, and down, and dodge which I plan to expand upon so that you can pull off some cool combinations of moves. I want the game to be ridiculous; ridiculously random, ridiculously bloody, ridiculously addictive, and ridiculously difficult. Who knows, out of the hundreds of WIPs I have sitting near to completion this one just might be the one I upload :DOh, and btw, I love you. 11953
I'd advise against having a silly difficulty unless you ramp it up very slowly or make it a little bit trial-and-error.
Or you could give the player time to learn each wacky game play mechanic to avoid frustration. Imagine IWBTG, but having one screen for each hazard (apples fall in any direction, spikes may go up/down, platforms may dissapear…) and later show combinations of different hazards, so the player can kinda predict what's going to happen.
You know what would make it really stand out from other games?
Make it ridiculously beautiful.I was worried that the active users list may someday be longer.
Oh no no no no I don't plan on this being cheap like IWBTG. When I said random, I meant in a funny way like random villains and such, not random ass spikes coming out from the ground.
And it won't be silly difficult from the start, just gets silly fast over time. And yes Sinistade I know all about that game design technique ;) Sorry thernz I'm not as artistic as you :(Even at 20 users it doesn't take up that much room right?Oh you know, I've been an admin so long that I forgot how much shorter the left sidebar is for regular members. I was like "It's not even that much lower o.o" lol.
Legendary Hobo shall be legendary.
That hobo. He so legendary.