
Posted by Ferret on July 11, 2010, 10:47 p.m.

Whats wrong with it? I used to do it all the time until the activity feed. And besides, if there is something that still needs to be said then it could still interest some people, right? If anything mouse_over on the activity feed should be replaced with the date the blog/submission was originally posted; I have a good feeling that this site is going to get a lot more activity so it might be kinda pointless to see when the last comment was submitted when they are constantly either being pused down the lest or rebumped to the top. And if a topic becomes stale but continues to be on the activity feed then our mods should be able to "lock" the topic much like on forums (either by blocking comments or keeping it off of the activity feed).12699

I told my manager that I'm tired of working full time hours and that I'm only a part timer and need to work only 20 hours a week if I want to survive in school. She did because I'm her best worker and would die if I left. Now with this extra time I'm going to look for another job.

I just read a book for my English class. It was really good. It's called The Cockroaches of Stay More, by Donald Harington. I really liked it, I'm thinking of getting into books now.

So I had this game sitting around on my desktop for sometime now and had no idea that my friends played it. It's called League of Legends. And yes, that was a referral link :P I needs the cash. Basically it's DotA from Warcraft 3 but with more support, better controls, and just simply better. The thing I like most is that because in both versions you control only one person but in WC3 if you left click somewhere else you lose control of your champion and have to go back and find them again, not in LoL (I know, I hate the abbreviation). I suggest giving it a try, its fun but takes a bit to get the hang of.

I wanna upgrade my desktop PC's graphics card. I'm thinking of buying this card:
My mobo has 1 slot for a nvidia, which is currently being used by a 7 year old card, and 2 slots for ATI cards. I'm thinking, buy this beastly card, reap it's rewards, then when the price goes down, buy it again and crossfire the two. But for now, just one will be enough to fill my PC hunger >:P. I'm just kinda worried about the price, do you guys think it's worth it? I currently have $1,800 in my bank and my car is going to need a $600 maintenance pretty soon.


KaBob799 14 years, 3 months ago

I'll remention what I said elsewhere too, we still have the old style recent blog/games lists so necroposting doesn't even affect those.

I have thought of both blog locking and a way to a comment without bumping, both of which will be added in the near future.

RC 14 years, 3 months ago

The problem with necroposting is that it gives people a reason to complain over something so minuscule.

Vance_Kimiyoshi 14 years, 3 months ago

I have the 5870, it's an amazing card and worth the money – but only if you need the power (high-resolution screen (>1080p), or multiple screens). Otherwise, just go for the 5850 and save yourself some money.

Kenon 14 years, 3 months ago

Dude, I'm a lvl 30 on LoL who mains Mordekaisar and Shen, or I was before I realized LoL was giving me incredibly powerful anger fits.

Toast 14 years, 3 months ago

I did say jk. I don't actually care about bumping old blogs.

Ferret 14 years, 3 months ago

@vance, I have a 1080p screen and it's pretty large. I think that this card would last me for a long time.

sirxemic 14 years, 3 months ago

Two of my friends are playing LoL. I haven't spoken to one of them for a while but he was addicted to that game.

Avenger 14 years, 3 months ago

Currently a lvl 12 on LoL. A decent amount of play experience given my level. I have a real high aptitude for games/programs.

Ferret 14 years, 3 months ago

I'm very addicted to it, it's very fun.

Avenger 14 years, 3 months ago

Yes it is. You can add Avenger Summoner if you'd like, just let me know who you are on 64digits. Just note that I easily forget IGN's, and may remove you at some point. Just readd me and remind me, lol (no pun intended…).

Just know sometimes I may stupid mistakes due to tiredness and not caring about the game at that particular point. Otherwise, I can be, as the term is used I believe, "beast."