In One Week

Posted by Ferret on July 24, 2010, 3:54 a.m.

I'm going to fly to Japan. I'm pretty darn excited for this trip as you can probably imagine. Cranium and his family were going and so he asked me if I had a spare two thousand to go with them. I did. So I bought an airline ticket and I'm going to Japan next Saturday for about 2 weeks. This will probably be the farthest I have ever traveled, I've been to Alaska before, but only in the lowest parts. I'm excited and scared at the same time, I took a Japanese course last fall and made it out with a 'D' (yeah it's a difficult language ): ) and what I thought of as a pretty large amount of knowledge about the Japanese language. Sadly, since then I haven't said anything further than "good morning", "yes", "no", and "thank you". I'm going to be that lame white tourist that can't speak a lick of the language he is touring ;_; I hope I can catch on or at least I hope they won't hate me…13054

Other things seem pretty pointless to talk about in comparison to that…

Well, summer session (especially with an academic class) takes up a lot more time than I had imagined so I sadly haven't been able to use game maker. I'm sad, I haven't been able to do anything with it for quite some time ;_;


He lowered the minimum vote count for games from 5 to 3, much more reasonable considering how often people comment on games. Also now the new users we get won't feel like they didn't get any attention when they submit a game.

So yeah, thanks for reading :3


Ferret 14 years, 2 months ago

I dream in third person, those are pretty "immersive" right?

Juju 14 years, 2 months ago

I think we've ascertained here that movies and games are different. Any common link between the two cinematographies is in the use of the camera itself (shakes, filters, lighting) rather than the actual viewpoint.

We're kinda losing sight of the original argument though.

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

There was an original argument? I think we've been all over the place.

Toast 14 years, 2 months ago

I was just using cutscenes as a typical example of the differences between typical American and typical Japanese. Obviously it's full of holes, I was just trying to get an idea across, that Japanese games always seem more linear in alot of different ways. Perhaps more significant are the cultural differences.

Juju 14 years, 2 months ago

Their narrative sure is direct. It might be that we're more aware of it because we're not used to it.

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

Not sure whether I'm agreeing or disagreeing with this point.

All I can say is I appreciate a Japanese story a lot more than an American one (speaking from a game's point of view, that is). At least they (seem to) take the time to make sure they tell a decent (though often cliché) story. That's probably why cutscenes make up 90% of the games.

I probably need to play more American games, but I've never played one to this day whose story actually inspired me more than any lame-ass clichéd JRPG I've played. Perhaps we suck at stories and excel at gameplay? Or maybe I'm too much of a novelist (though I hate reading).

Ferret 14 years, 2 months ago

Uncharted 2, just sayin.

Cesque 14 years, 2 months ago

Japanese games aren't really about realism or immersion which is why there aren't many FPS games, although it's not an unbreakable rule. They like playing characters rather than themselves.

Juju's nitpicks aside, that's actually a pretty nice way of putting it. Never really noticed the absence of Japanese FPSs until now. D:

Crane-ium 14 years, 2 months ago

woo japan