Playstation Move?

Posted by Ferret on Sept. 15, 2010, 9:46 p.m.

I just want your guy's thoughts on it. I know it's been discussed before but it's beginning to look a lot better and a lot more people have been getting their hands on it and coming back with good comments. I found this video review of it and it all sounds pretty good.15591

Also before people add the stereotypical comment, I'm just going to quote a response from the creator of the video:

Hmmm, that looks familiar…

I remember seeing something like that coming out, hmmm, four years ago and I think they where white instead…


@MrNDSteinbach yes yes yes, you're dreadfully clever with your shadowed references to the Nintendo Wii, there is clearly no end to your wit… except you're a massive moron, being first doesn't mean being best… Apple weren't first to make an MP3 player, but when they invented the iPod it quickly kicked the shit out of the rest of the market, because they did it in a way people liked better. Fuck, even NINTENDO didn't invent the game console, THEY copied what others had been doing for YEARS too
Now that that is out of the way, thoughts? I'm fairly interested, but still unsure.

(post other good reviews if you know any)


Unaligned 14 years, 1 month ago

Motion sensors are just a gimmick. A gimmick that gets too old too soon. I don't care from what company it is, what color it is or what name its got, it'll be fun(ny) for the first few days after purchase and afterwards it'll collect dust in the living room except for when you get visit at home that stopped playing videogames after the Playstation 2 came out and want to try it out.

You'll then realize that deep down you bought it "for teh lulz".

Also, from a business viewpoint, Sony and Microsoft are rather late to the motion-sensing thing. Even if their products blow the Wii's away, people already have experience with motion-sensing controllers, and if they're trying to get casuals in, remember that people have bought more Wii consoles than games. Why would they buy that other console if they've got the Wii, that does the same? (I'm guessing that's what Wii-owning casual players will think when they see a PS3 move or Xbox360 kinect advertisement)

Quote: Kamira
Dual anologue sticks = best idea ever

Juju 14 years, 1 month ago

His whole killer-app argument is pretty flawed but it does genuinely seem better than the Wii (which, incidentally, I was never impressed with to begin with). We'll see if the motion recognition sticks or if it fades away.

Josea 14 years, 1 month ago

I didn't watch the video btw.

This motion stuff coming from MS and Sony is destined to fail, why? Because it's not an integral part of the console, it's an addon, and as such they have a little problem: most people won't buy them until many games support it, and most developers won't develop for them until many people have it. In the end very few people buy the addon and very few games come out that actually use it.

Look at the WiiMotion Plus, more precise and everything, yet it's been a year already and there are too few games making use of it.

Amarin 14 years, 1 month ago

Dual anologue sticks = best idea ever

You can't play FPS with them. Only the mouse has enough sensitivity. <_<

Playstation Move looks a whole hell of a lot better than Wii's motion or Kinect. Would enjoy playing an FPS with it.

Plus, that guy looks like a realistic hatless Mario. COINCIDENCE?

Kaz 14 years, 1 month ago

You can't play FPS with them. Only the mouse has enough sensitivity. <_<
I agree with this, but I believe it depends on the person. I know people that are great with console shooters, but blow at PC shooters.

Analog sticks have a force in proportion to the amount it is pushed from the center, making the force necessary to move the cursor around variable. Mice have constant force needed to move it around, given a consistent surface it is on.

Just depends on what you're used to.

Cesar 14 years, 1 month ago

Mouse is just a far more accurate, responsive, and efficient input than a joystick.

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

In RawrSpoon's words, move mouse over target's head, click.

I hate the Wii's pointer, and I can't say Move's is going to be any less annoying. So for the love of God, bring back the keyboards we type on with our analog sticks, and not the ones we have to find and click with a stupid shaky remote.

Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

great with console shooters, but blow at PC shooters.
That's me! :D (Well I'm pretty good at PC FPSes…)
I hate the Wii's pointer, and I can't say Move's is going to be any less annoying.
I agree, pointing with the wii is terribly annoying, but if they are able to write out full words perfectly on the Move, then maybe aiming won't be so bad.

I agree with Josea, it being an add on makes it difficult for this to succeed, but seeing how much the Move controllers have about the same button layout, games are probably going to integrate alternate controls for both the Dualshock and Move.

Playstation Move looks a whole hell of a lot better than Wii's motion or Kinect.
I certainly agree with this, but all and all it's a motion controller, something the Wii is being shunned for. Then again maybe this will pick up all the disappointed Wii players?

Motion sensors are just a gimmick.
I agree with this as well, well sort of, They have been a gimmick on the Wii, where it was inaccurate and simply wanted you to do similar motions instead of actually tracking you, thus resulting in crappy minigames. If this works out it could contend with your regular controller, or it could just be another way to make you do stupid stuff like point at an audience to make them stand up and cheer.

If you are trying to figure out what side I'm on, I'm really just throwing in my 2 cents to see what you guys will respond with. I don't intend on buying this until it settles and game developers can really make this hardware work. If it ends up bundled with KZ3 and I still don't have it, then I would definitely buy it.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 1 month ago

>implying the iPod is a good mp3 player and people don't buy them simply because they are for some reason considered 'cool' or 'hip'

Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

Well that is another story. But I thought the original one was awesome.