Playstation Move?

Posted by Ferret on Sept. 15, 2010, 9:46 p.m.

I just want your guy's thoughts on it. I know it's been discussed before but it's beginning to look a lot better and a lot more people have been getting their hands on it and coming back with good comments. I found this video review of it and it all sounds pretty good.15591

Also before people add the stereotypical comment, I'm just going to quote a response from the creator of the video:

Hmmm, that looks familiar…

I remember seeing something like that coming out, hmmm, four years ago and I think they where white instead…


@MrNDSteinbach yes yes yes, you're dreadfully clever with your shadowed references to the Nintendo Wii, there is clearly no end to your wit… except you're a massive moron, being first doesn't mean being best… Apple weren't first to make an MP3 player, but when they invented the iPod it quickly kicked the shit out of the rest of the market, because they did it in a way people liked better. Fuck, even NINTENDO didn't invent the game console, THEY copied what others had been doing for YEARS too
Now that that is out of the way, thoughts? I'm fairly interested, but still unsure.

(post other good reviews if you know any)


Josea 14 years, 1 month ago

>implying the iPod is a good mp3 player and people don't buy them simply because they are for some reason considered 'cool' or 'hip'
I didn't buy my ipod because it was 'cool' or 'hip'.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 1 month ago

Also, after watching the video, the whole 'Augmented reality' thing seems neat, but it's not nearly enough to warrant buying a system in the hundreds of dollars. Everything else sucks and/or is, yes I'm going to say it, a direct rip off of Wii.

The Wii controller is not 'uncomfortable' by any standard, especially when you have the rubber grip on it that Nintendo passed out for free at one point (And which also comes with every new controller).

In the end, the Move, like Microsoft's Kinect, is just cashing in on the latest fad. Nintendo is continuing to set the bar while other companies try to catch up. My money is going to the 3DS over the Move (even if I owned a PS3, which I do not, I'd still go that route, and considering the Move is designed to get more people to buy the PS3 by the same methods that have allowed the Wii to dominate the market, Sony failed when it comes to my wallet.)

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

Wii dominates the market?

This is coming from someone who chose a Wii over a 360. PS3 didn't have any good games whatsoever.

Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

Woah now, lets end that discussion before this becomes a retarded console war.

HeroofTime really loves shaking things up >_>

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

Console wars are old. I honestly don't take any side, nor do I care who thinks their console is better. Instead of retaliating, I was just trying to get a different point of view. Not many people are for Nintendo.

Kaz 14 years, 1 month ago

You have to admit, Nintendo hasn't produced anything 'big' in at least a year. Galaxy 2 came and passed within a week in my group of friends. The new Metroid looks good, but I believe it will go the same.

Lately with games, if it has online multiplayer, people will constantly talk about it if it is good.

To me, the Wii is an updated relic of the past good for nothing but parlor tricks at this point.

Cesar 14 years, 1 month ago

Nintendo doesn't have to. They have a machine that prints cash. They don't have to work for the attention of their hardcore crowd anymore, they've got free money.

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago


Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

Kilin. Stop. >_>

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

I'm joking. =(