The world is full of dicks

Posted by Ferret on Dec. 4, 2010, 3:02 a.m.

First off, I hate my job, I have applied to countless places and haven't gotten a single one. I'm not proud of my job; when people ask where I work I reply "at a garden store" because I don't want to get any more specific than that. Should I get more specific for you guys? Nah, only because you guys wouldn't know where I work even if I told you. I'll just describe it; the store consists of bags of soil and other amendments, plants from small flower 6 packs to the large 15 gallon pot trees, random gift items that I have nothing to do with, tons and tons of pottery, and as of lately, christmas trees. My job is to stock these items, load these items into the customer's car, load items into delivery trucks, reorganize the constantly disorganized store, clean everything from bathrooms to soil dock, work the cash register, and of course, help the customers. I've been stuck at this damn place for over 2 years now, and because of "budget cuts" I'm still on minimum wage ($8/5.98 euros per hour).


Why explain all that? Because I want to make it clear that I hate my job with a passion. To add onto it, it's christmas season, which means christmas trees and picky customers who will act like I don't know what the hell I am doing (I've worked 5 tree lots now fyi) and get no tips because they think I get paid well because of the high prices.

Bleh, anyways, today I was working from 9 to 7 and I got pretty tired around 5:30 and asked my manager if I could take a 10 minute break. Like usual, I walked to the liquor store to grab some cheetos as a snack. In front of the store was a large group of skaters, about 12 or so, and I don't exactly like having people see me in my all brown uniform anyways. As I'm walking to the store, I can faintly hear someone whispering "3.. 2.. 1…" and just as I pass by them to enter the store they all yell "Flowerbooooyyy!!!!" and burst out in laughter. Seeing as how there were 12 of them, I was grumpy from the already horrible day, and this is in fact a story about me, I ignored them and walked inside acting like I didn't hear them. (I figure, why give them the satisfaction of seeing me react?) I bought my cheetos and walked out the store and back to work while the skaters called to me by yelling "Pansy!!" and other creative names.

Side note, I never have a good day at work, I hate every second of it and it makes me miserable. The last thing I need are people making fun of me in my face about it. In fact it makes me wonder how often people make fun of me for it but don't have the guts/enough friends around to do it when I'm in ear shot.

Now that I'm here I don't even know why I'm blogging about this. I mean I had a crappier than usual day I don't think you guys would really want to read about that. I guess I needed to blog since it's been over a month.


Majatek 13 years, 10 months ago

*no homo hug*

Don't let the assholes drag you down to their loser levels. They only chastise you for having a job because they're probably on a pension, or still supported by their "mommy" (The main reason is rather obvious, but if I was to ever retaliate, I could just as well say that they're jobless screws with nowhere to go except to act like immature little primary school shits, just like they always have been).

*raises my juice glass* Here's to better days, and a happier Christmas.

Mush 13 years, 10 months ago

I have yet to meet a "skater" that wasn't a douche.

Misconstruct 13 years, 10 months ago

At least you have a job. Conversely, I just get free money.

Acid 13 years, 10 months ago

But ferret, I love you!

PY 13 years, 10 months ago

So many dicks, so little world to contain them. We need to do another australia, except with less australia and more the sun, and less criminals and more dicks.

Zarniwooop 13 years, 10 months ago

Fuck those dicks. They're probably ending up with a worse job than yours. If they even get a job.

Mordi 13 years, 10 months ago

What a bunch of douchebags.

Cesque 13 years, 10 months ago

In fact it makes me wonder how often people make fun of me for it but don't have the guts/enough friends around to do it when I'm in ear shot.

I wouldn't worry about it - it's in the nature of dicks to insult everybody, and that's because they're dicks, not because you're a good target.

JID 13 years, 10 months ago

Don't worry about it.

Those guys are dickholes, who will wind up with a low paying job or no job at all, and will most likely get thrown in jail for something in the next couple of years. :p

Cesar 13 years, 10 months ago

There is more references to dicks in these comments than in any other comment section. Ever.