My 64D Tour of California Delayed

Posted by Ferret on June 25, 2012, 9:44 p.m.

Original Blog.

Yeah. Kinda forgot that I will most likely will be moving stuff into my new college dorm with parents, which kind of conflicts with the whole "meeting people from the internet" plan. Also I can't get in contact with Mush, who I was originally going to travel with…

So yeah, sorry bout that.

Once I get up there though, probably going to hang out with Cyrus some time soon after.

Then, when the time comes for me to head back down, I do what I originally planned, but backwards… and probably without Mush coming along :(

Could we please have a meet up? It needs to be done.

I put a heart up there next to my name. I hope that's okay, I'll remove it if it's not. I wanted to put one next to my name in comments, but then figured that was probably a step too far.

These last couple of months have been pretty scary. I kinda just want to curl up in my room and hide, and I'm worried that once I actually move out of here, I'll be able to, and never come out. I want to leave but at the same time I want to stay, it's quite the conflicting feeling.

I hate how in cosplaying, people can spend weeks at a time making their cosplay to try and duplicate the characters they like, only to be outdone by girls who make slut-ifide versions of the characters they cosplay.


Beep boop.

Play Dota 2.


JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

I hate how in cosplaying, people can spend weeks at a time making their cosplay to try and duplicate the characters they like, only to be outdone by girls who make slut-ifide versions of the characters they cosplay.

Could we please have a meet up? It needs to be done.
No, wait! Ahhhhh…

I'm not ready, yet…

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

I'm creeped out by you, Cyrus.

What you should do, Cyrus, is wander into Ferret's dorm, and be like "oh, hello there new person, would you like some help?", and then help him move in, and impress his parents by how helpful you are. The next day, Ferret's mom will call him from home to see how his first day on campus was, and she'll casually bring up "have you seen that noise latino boy lately?", and Ferret will say "yes I did, he came over last night and stayed over. We played games all night, and he helped me unpack".

This will go on, and Ferret will have nothing but good things to say about Cyrus, and since his parents only have a good personal impression of Cyrus, they'll grow to love him as a son.

Soon, gay marriage will be re-legalized in California, and Ferret's mother will begin pushing him to be more open about being with Cyrus.

They will eventually marry, and Ferret's parents will be so happy that their son found such a nice boy, and will recount stories to their friends about how their son-in-law met their son, and was such a good person to a stranger.

…Cyrus's parents, on the other hand, will not have met Ferret, so when Cyrus goes home and tells them he married a boy with perfect nipples, they will look at Cyrus with concern.

On another topic, why have things been scary? :(

I wanted to hole up in my apartment with the windows covered and the door locked, and never come out, less than a year ago. If you want, I can call the cops to come to your room. It'll snap you out of things.

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

You made me laugh so hard. XD

I read the comment where you called me a faggot on Kilin's blog AFTER I wrote that.

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

The correct term is "gotfag", I do believe.

LAR Games 12 years, 8 months ago

Hmm. More people are doing the meetup thing. That's pretty cool.

Oh, and Firestorm told me to ask you how hard it is to get into Comic-con.

DesertFox 12 years, 8 months ago


Rob 12 years, 8 months ago

I hate how in cosplaying, people can spend weeks at a time making their cosplay to try and duplicate the characters they like, only to be outdone by girls who make slut-ifide versions of the characters they cosplay.

Try being sexier, then.

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

Oh yeah, that was a good point, Rob.

Take your shirt off, Ferret.

Oh, and that heart…Was that modified in the code? 'Cause a git update might overwrite it.

LAR Games 12 years, 8 months ago

Oh. I forgot to compliment firestorms ability to write fanfics on the spot.

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

It wasn't on the spot. I have a whole notepad that I keep in my pocket, that's just full of stories revolving around Ferret.