My 64D Tour of California Delayed

Posted by Ferret on June 25, 2012, 9:44 p.m.

Original Blog.

Yeah. Kinda forgot that I will most likely will be moving stuff into my new college dorm with parents, which kind of conflicts with the whole "meeting people from the internet" plan. Also I can't get in contact with Mush, who I was originally going to travel with…

So yeah, sorry bout that.

Once I get up there though, probably going to hang out with Cyrus some time soon after.

Then, when the time comes for me to head back down, I do what I originally planned, but backwards… and probably without Mush coming along :(

Could we please have a meet up? It needs to be done.

I put a heart up there next to my name. I hope that's okay, I'll remove it if it's not. I wanted to put one next to my name in comments, but then figured that was probably a step too far.

These last couple of months have been pretty scary. I kinda just want to curl up in my room and hide, and I'm worried that once I actually move out of here, I'll be able to, and never come out. I want to leave but at the same time I want to stay, it's quite the conflicting feeling.

I hate how in cosplaying, people can spend weeks at a time making their cosplay to try and duplicate the characters they like, only to be outdone by girls who make slut-ifide versions of the characters they cosplay.


Beep boop.

Play Dota 2.


Ferret 12 years, 8 months ago

FSX.. so… weird. How do you… come up with this?

Lol Cyrus, how about just missing the part about my parents and hanging out :P

Ferret's mother will begin pushing him to be more open about being with Cyrus.
THAT would never happen.

Please don't call the cops ): How would a Canadian go about calling american cops anyways?

Oh, and Firestorm told me to ask you how hard it is to get into Comic-con.
Not sure, the assholes haven't responded to me >:l

Try being sexier, then.
I can't. And the shirt remains, only a beach can take it off of me.

Yeah the heart was hard coded… when will that update be?

Astryl 12 years, 8 months ago

I love using git for site development [/sarcasm].

I've been poking around the repo looking for things to edit, optimize, improve, etc.

All while using my non-existent cartography skills to try map out the file structure of said repo.


I hate how in cosplaying, people can spend weeks at a time making their cosplay to try and duplicate the characters they like, only to be outdone by girls who make slut-ifide versions of the characters they cosplay.
I lol'd.

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

FSX.. so… weird. How do you… come up with this?
I told you. A notebook, full of my hours and hours of fantasizing.

The update might actually never happen, haha. At least not for a while. Only when someone does a merge.

Snakeman 12 years, 8 months ago

I put a heart up there next to my name. I hope that's okay, I'll remove it if it's not. I wanted to put one next to my name in comments, but then figured that was probably a step too far.

Don't you seriously want to just hug this guy?

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

Don't you seriously want to just hug this guy?
If not for the fear of squishing those awesome nipples.