Birthday blog!
Birthday blog.Birthday.Blog..So some time ago I was going to write a blog titled Climbing Out of the Rabbit Hole, and while I like the title, the blog was so serious. Too serious. I'm tired of serious.It doesn't help that the topic was pretty serious too, *waves arms in the air* the clash between life expectations and reality *ghost noises* WooOOooOOoo…Basically I spent almost 6 months out of college with no job, I would mostly be rejected interviews. When I did get an interview, about half the time I would get a second interview. Sometimes the interviews were bullshit (*cough* amazon), sometimes I would just completely fuck it up and not have a good answer, and sometimes I would fucking nail it… only to hear that they went with someone else and oh man you were so close please try again in 8 months when you are dead.But none of those miserable months matter anymore because *trumpets* BAW B-B-b-BUAM! Ferret is officially employed! That's right ladies and gentlemen, employed, with a salary, 401k, and benefits! Yeah. Woo.Can't help but feel a small sting after trying so many companies I wanted to work for. I ain't going to be working in vidya games like I mused about last blog. I did try, I thought I did well enough, turns out I don't know a lot about something I haven't done much of. WHO WOULDA THUNK.Honestly though, I'm excited for my job, it pays well, they are paying for my move and more, and now I get to live my own life and focus on what I want. Also this Ferret is moving to Austin Texas! Smell ya later Cyrus! (In all seriousness Cyrus, you got a couch you can sleep on in Austin anytime now, please visit me)Oh and bye LARGames, who lives like 20 minutes away from me but I've never met. :PMelancholy blog.Once I get my first paycheck I'll buy GM:Studio and be a proper game mod again!Hugs and kisses.But mostly kisses.
Happy Birthday!
I pay taxes, I dont have time for this shitMan, your story sounds like a more successful version of mine. Congratulations!
Also, goodbye. Sucks we never got to meet in person. :(Damn you twirlyghast, you had one job.
Happy birdday.Happy Birthday. Good luck in Texas.
Thanks people!
… Are you really moving to Dallas?