Fans and books aren't a very good mix

Posted by Firebird on Aug. 8, 2006, 2:48 a.m.

Well, 64D is back… so that's something to be happy about.

Now, I shall detail the high points of my day.

I woke up, and I felt tired as usuall. I ate breakfast and walked to school. Not such an interesting part in the day, though. =/

We were in a music class and everyone was throwing books around. The teacher didn't even care. Stupid teacher, that's your job, retard. To notice. Ah well.

Eventually he did notice though, and then shouted a few times to stop everything and he said "Anyone who speaks after this is getting an instant detention!"

"Umm… sir, I found someones book on the…"



"Shut up!"

"But I didn't do anything!"


That was funny. But the next thing that happened was even better.

It was an RE lesson, amd the teacher was late. So the IT teacher let us in to our classroom. Bad move. The said book-throwing fiasco started up again. The IT teacher came in to see what was happening, and then left again. When he came in again to check, a kid had a book in his hand. The IT teacher watched. The kid didn't see the teacher untill to late…

He threw the book up and FWOOSH! The book (It was a bible without it's cover, actually) hit the (rapidly) spinning fan. One of the pages even got stuck in the fan XD. The book went flying to a corner of the room.

Then the kid saw the teacher.

It was kind of dissapointing, because we wanted to hear the word "SUSPENSION!" and "DETENTION!" thrown around a lot by the teacher and the words "But…" and "Sorry…" said by the kid. IT was funny though. We got called down to see the deputy principal =/. Although we got called back up again by the *late* RE teacher, without even seeing the deputy guy.

Keep L337,

Firebird out!

P.S. Remind me to put up a thingy on my camp.


SixWinged 18 years, 5 months ago

lol sounds awesome, we put a shoe on the fan when it was turned off one hot day, then we the teacher came and turned on the fan, this shoe fell and landed right on her desk XD, it was sooo funny :P

melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago

That's an awesome idea Nick, and insanely funny Firebird.

Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 5 months ago

Your school sounds awesome XD. My day started kinda like yours,but I didn't go to school. I've been off about 5 weeks already XD. and still another 4 to go I think.

davidp222 18 years, 5 months ago

What, you already started with next school year? We in Slovenia don`t start until 1st September (I start in October, but I`m on university, yay!). Ahh, doesn`t school suck? Like in mid of August, when it`s like 76 celsius in shadow, not to mention areas on sun :D

Alx 18 years, 5 months ago

He is in Australlia so yeah.

Did Halibutski ask you my question?

Extravisual 18 years, 5 months ago

No, PD, Firebird was on after I was off.

LOL, A bible his a rapidly spinning fan? Awesome.

Stained Glass 18 years, 5 months ago

Man, your school sounds fun. None of us from our school would dare throw our precious books. (It's more like no one in my school has the guts to, including me)

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

What question?

And yeah, my school IS fun.