Get Linux.

Posted by Firebird on Sept. 24, 2006, 2:17 a.m.

Blog in compact form: Get Linux.

If you do have Linux, what distro? I've got Fedora Core 4. And I'm going to install DSL (Damn Small Linux, only 50MB!) on my usb drive. bash is the shell winner!

Anyway, I'm going to start a C++ project sooner or later, with Halibutski. If any of you are good with drawing sprites and such, give me a PM. The C++ project is a text adventure. Yeah, it's for Windows. I'll port it to Linux.

As usual, I don't have a lot of content. So I'll finish this blog with another image dunp. Yay!

^^ 23 users online.

Alright, not so big.

Keep L337,

Firebird out!



NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 5 months ago


and i macde a 2 cooloum proof to prove it

statement reason

paint=microsoft given

microsoft=windows given

paint=windows transitional

thnak god for geometry… and lunix dosent have ms paint… dose it??
Yes. The geometry of your invisible table with poorly spelt content is infallible. Windows has - good God! - MS Paint and, what's more, it's got Calculator and therefore it owns Linux's ass, despite the fact that Damn Small Linux is 1.6% the size of Windows XP and 1.6% as vulnerable to viruses.

You make such a persuasive argument!

REZ, your blog has been hijacked by n00bs. I pray for your soul.
Best. Comment. Ever.

BenRK 18 years, 5 months ago

I only gots to say: What viruses? I have none, I'm sure, because I'm paraNOID and has the good old (new) office version of Symantec AntiVirus. Take it from me, it's not THAT hard to protect your easy-to-use-user-interface-doohicky from all the bad viruses and mold from the internets and e-mails.

And besides, I really don't care much for Linux at the moment, you dumb bastard!(I need to figure out how to post emoticons, then I would post the one that looks like it's to happy to even be alive)

Juju 18 years, 5 months ago


and i macde a 2 cooloum proof to prove it

statement reason

paint=microsoft given

microsoft=windows given

paint=windows transitional

thnak god for geometry… and lunix dosent have ms paint… dose it??
Yes. The geometry of your invisible table with poorly spelt content is infallible. Windows has - good God! - MS Paint and, what's more, it's got Calculator and therefore it owns Linux's ass, despite the fact that Damn Small Linux is 1.6% the size of Windows XP and 1.6% as vulnerable to viruses.

You make such a persuasive argument!

Firebird, your blog has been hijacked by n00bs. I pray for your soul.

Bryan 18 years, 5 months ago

Linux sucks because

It makes you gay

You can't use gm anymore

It doesn't have directX

More games/programs are made for windows

Ofcourse , it doesn't have ms paint


Cesque 18 years, 5 months ago

Wow, that's some nice rhymes.

Screw Linux. Get Windows 95.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 5 months ago

I use SuSe 9.0 when I have time to play, but normally I stick to Windows.

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

Linux sucks because

It makes you gay

You can't use gm anymore

It doesn't have directX

More games/programs are made for windows

Ofcourse , it doesn't have ms paint
Hmmm, Linux sucks, eh?

How does it make you gay. I have yet to see an OS change someone's sexual preferences.

It's not like you're going to miss GM after you've even tried coding in C++.

Dosen't have DirectX? Oh, too bad. If you want, try this. OpenGL owns DirectX's ass anyway.

More games/programs? Oh, that breaks my heart. Since most Winblows programs cost money, and pretty much all Linux programs are free, Linux programs must suck, eh? You can use Windows programs with Linux with WINE and Cedega, etc.

TuxPaint owns MS Paint anyday.

MORAL: Don't make points you can't back up, you idiot.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 5 months ago

also, anyone who uses Linux because they think that they'll get a virus with Windows… probably is just an idiot. Linux is good for alot of things, but if you use it just because of the fear of a virus, you really don't know what's so great about Linux.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 5 months ago

It's not like you're going to miss GM after you've even tried coding in C++.

I disagree. I code in both, and if I had to give up GM, I owuld be extremely disappointed. Also, there are hundreds upon hundreds of games that are on Windows and not on Linux, and will probably never be on Linux. You are a fool to think that the free games you can get with Linux are in any way a comparison to the major games that will NEVER be available to it.

MORAL: You suck ma balls.

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

No, I don't use it just because of viruses.

Oh yeah, and did you even look at Cedega? No?