Blog of teh Firefly

Posted by FireflyX on Sept. 30, 2007, 7:59 p.m.

So here i am blogging again… without even knowing what to blog about… i seem to like blogging for the sake of it lately.

Anyway i visited yoyogames recently which isn't something i do very often because i hae their site layout and much prefer this community and i mean holy shit some of the games they accept are a disgrace. I ask myself have these been submitted as a joke? But then when you see a comment from someone complaining about how terrible it is and then the noob who made it jumping to their defense you just think… lol 64digits would torture them :p So here's a few of yoyos crappiest and i don't care if the creators ever see this because they deserve their names dragged through shit for some of these:

Ok so somebody who calls themself dylanecool has blatently, obviously took marks maze example changed the instances around in the rooms and put the most unfitting backgrounds i've ever seen in my life on it!!! I mean this guy made a story line for it and thinks he has seriously made a game. Piss off you excuse of a GM user you just went even lower than a 1945 edit!!

Look at this even people who edit the FPS example do a better job of 3d than this. So we have a badly drawn mario made out of blocks who rus around the land of "worst ever GM terrain" followed by the fastest ever 3d camera attempt with no plot or purpose to the game. And the fact that it's rated 3.6/5 is really not funny.

Here's proof that yoyo don't even check the games being submitted. Try and download this game, see what you get.

Ok so the sites full of nooby waste of space games and seriously what is up with the terms:

Quote: yoyo terms
We are sorry that we have to hassle you with all this legal stuff- honestly, we are. It’s not just that our lawyers tell us that it is really important – it is really important.
Yep that's very professional isn't it.

Also what's with the adverts down te side of it. Man i hate adverts on sites they just get in the way. Thankfully 64digits doesn't have any ads so good for them. In conclusion 64digits > Yoyo

k so i couldn't think of anything to blog about and i ended up ranting about yoyos game quality… well… seriously it's full of crap! Ok yes there are some skillfully created nicely done games on there but there is too much nooby trash!!

On a completely different subject I turn 17 just after christmas which means i finally get to take driving lessons!! Only problem is as some of you know i couldn't get a job so i've ended up in college which means i now earn no money at all. Therefore i am forced to take a weekend job which is something i never wanted to do :( but i need to save up for a car because i think i'm starting my lessons on my birthday. As for cars i have fallen in love with the 1979 Triumph TR7 so i'm gonna get a job soon and save up for one of those.

It's been my main objective in life to drive since i was about 10 and the time is so close :o Yay!!

So it's 2:00am suppose i better go to bed, goodnight and thanks for reading :)


FireflyX 17 years, 4 months ago

Well yoyo does have a report button but quite clearly it either isn't being used or isn't working!

Arcalyth 17 years, 4 months ago

We don't really enforce the age requirement. We just ask that you don't ACT under 13.

s 17 years, 4 months ago

Bit late on the YYGbashing,eh?

That car looks like it got sat on by melee

Scott_AW 17 years, 4 months ago

Yoyogames a mistake? Duh.

stampede 17 years, 4 months ago

Actually, something like

64Digits > Yoyogames*1000

FireflyX 17 years, 4 months ago

I know everyone has already established yoyo isfail but i've never said anything on the subject and after playing some of thise games i was feeling particularly irritated with it.

MercXD 17 years, 4 months ago

You wont be on the road for another year if the new law has anything to say about it.

blue213 17 years, 4 months ago

Any status on my asplosions?

FireflyX 17 years, 4 months ago

I'm hoping that new law is just talk. Oh yes i will work on your asplosions.

Distortion 17 years, 4 months ago

Hey Firefly, hope you get a job. Good luck!