Ajax is hot

Posted by FireflyX on Dec. 20, 2007, 9:36 p.m.


For those who don't know i'm releasing my site on christmas eve after i took it down for work. The blue and white templete sucked ass so i now have a much nicer one which i decided to do black and red. I also told people i was going to use more ajax on the site which is what i have been doing today. I have done various ajaxy things like for file uploading but probably the best thing i did using ajax was my active users list. Have you noticed how on this site the list doesn't update unless you refresh the page or click a link? Well on my site you can just sit there and stare at it without touching anything and it will update. I sat for about 30mins watching earlier because it's so sexy. The next job is to finish the forum off which i'm adding buttons on the thread creation form to automatically insert bbcode tags and i'll hopefully have that done by the time i release the site.

Arcs banning spree

Yes I just got banned twice in the space of 10 minutes. I was proudly boasting how i hadn't been banned from 64digits for 5 months then this happens :p Well that didn't count because i didn't do nuffin!

hmm can't think of anything else to blog, bye bye.


s 17 years, 2 months ago


frenchcon1 17 years, 2 months ago


Arcalyth 17 years, 2 months ago

Wow, you're an idiot.

I'm going to go ahead and completely disregard your comment until you put some backing into it.

OL 17 years, 2 months ago

You're an idiot for thinking DW is just a WYSIWYG editor (and therefore inferior). Granted, there are those features, but it doesn't mean you have to use them or that everyone who uses DW is a cheap WYSYWIG noob as is a commonly held belief by 'experts'. I personally never venture any further than code-view and flicking to design-view for a quick preview.

DW has excellent code highlighting and auto-completion, which comes in really handy in helping you remember some of the less common properties. It also has built in validation and references for an array of web languages which is handy for the odd quick lookup. It also sports built in FTP tools to synchronise with your server which is time saving.

Design view is handy as it shows the outlines of your elements, so you can easily hover over them and see the XHTML tree path to that element which greatly speeds up and aids CSS styling. There's a bunch of other handy little tools like that too.

The thing is, that you must not realise, is that the majority of employers ask for experience in industry standard software which more often than not includes Dreamweaver. Therefore it helps to know your way around it for that alone.

I'm not saying DW is the best, the be all end all tool - what I'm saying is don't take it on first impressions (the WYSYWIG aspect), it's more than that, it's actually a decent industry standard tool.

FireflyX 17 years, 2 months ago

That enough backing for ya Arc? XD

FireflyX 17 years, 2 months ago

The thing is, that you must not realise, is that the majority of employers ask for experience in industry standard software which more often than not includes Dreamweaver.
Very True most of the places I applied to be a web developer said they prefer experience with dreamweaver.