21st yeah!

Posted by Fox-NL on June 21, 2006, 10:21 a.m.

Today is the 21st of June, thats a very important day for me! Its not just because of June, its because of 21! Why? Because me and my girlfriend are together for 8 months now! w00t :P! Just gotta say that I love her soo much! (L)(K)

Anyways, back to business, msn plus will be released this saturday!

<fieldset><legend>Messenger Plus! News</legend>The new version of Messenger Plus! (4.00), distributed under the name "Messenger Plus! Live", will be officially released <b>this Saturday, June 24th, at 23:40 GMT</b>. The new web site will also be put online at the same time, and a last post on this site will be made to start the transition period. These are exciting days for anybody interested in Microsoft's Messenger clients and its surrounding communities, make sure you don't miss any associated event!</fieldset>

I'm very excited! This is gonna rock hehe :D…

Oh and when its released, im going to make a blog entry where im going to explain how to install windows live messenger on the best way (without all the ads, and making windows live messenger 10 times faster!)

Well thats all for today! Cya guys!

- Fox-NL <img src="http://64digits.com/users/Fox-NL/tailshead.gif" alt=""/>


Snakeman 18 years, 6 months ago

you did the whisper tag wrong [=D]

SixWinged 18 years, 6 months ago

its release at 9:40 in the morning here so i should (hopefully) be awake by then.

SixWinged 18 years, 6 months ago

Messenger Plus! Live is released!

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

yay!! also, that's a cool pic of you with your girlfriend…